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Energy Transmission

There are 74 thousand kilometers of transmission lines, 67.1 thousand km of which are owned lines and 6.8 thousand km in partnership, and 404 substations, considering 295 owned and 109 third-party.


Our transmission lines represent almost two laps around the Earth and represent 43% of the National Interconnected System (SIN).


Between 2022 and 2024, Eletrobras won 6 new lots in the Transmission Auctions. The concession term is 30 years, including licensing, construction and operation.

A total of 2,300 km of LT and 6,080 MVA of transformation will be added to the SIN (National Interconnected System), with an estimated Capex of R$6.4 billion. After the energization of these projects, the company will be entitled to an additional revenue (RAP) of R$672 million.​​​​


169 large-scale projects under implementation

Discover our main transmission projects completed and underway by Eletrobras companies.


International Interconnections

We operate four medium and large-scale interconnections with other South American countries:

  • With Paraguay, through four 500 kV transmission lines, which connect the Itaipu binational hydroelectric plant to the Margem Direita substation (Paraguay) and the Foz do Iguaçu substation (Brazil). The energy produced by the Paraguayan sector of the plant can be supplied to Brazil, from the Foz substation to the Ibiúna substation (SP), by a direct current transmission system with a capacity of 6,300 MW;

  • With Argentina, through the Uruguaiana frequency converter station (Brazil), with a capacity of 50 MW, and a 132 kV transmission line, which connects the converter to Paso de los Libres (Argentina);

  • With Uruguay, through the Rivera frequency converter station (Uruguay), with a capacity of 70 MW, and a 230 kV transmission line, which connects the converter to the Livramento substation (Brazil).

Transmission Operation Performance​

​​ ​​
Transmission Performance (Reliability)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Operational Unavailability (SAIDI) (hours)
4,33 4,89 5,77 3,46 3,71 2,74
Shutdowns per 100km of Transmission Line (Interruptions per 100km/TL) 1,57 1,57 1,46 1,16 1,28 1,38
Transmission Losses* 1,52% 1,16% 0,81% 0,53% 0,50% 0,53%
Operational Availability (ASAI)
99,95% 99,94% 99,93% 99,96%  99,96% 99,70%

* From 2022 onwards, result according to the new calculation methodology approved by the Operating Committee – COP.​​