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Meeting with Suppliers
Event with Suppliers
The event with Suppliers is an opportunity to exchange information and ask questions about our procedures for contracting and contract management.
The event aims at strengthening the engagement with suppliers, so that they are involved with the management and sustainability practices which are in our hires and acquisitions.
Meeting with Eletrobras Suppliers

On June 6, 2024, the first in-person event of the year for strategic suppliers took place at the Fairmont Copacabana Hotel in Rio de Janeiro. The objective of the meeting was to showcase Eletrobras' new procurement model post-capitalization. The Vice President of Innovation, R&D, Digital and IT, Legal Director José Eduardo Barros, and the Vice Presidents of Procurement and Services, and Expansion Engineering were present. Legal and compliance aspects were presented, along with the Procurement teams, the new acquisition process, and Eletrobras' expansion plan. Following this, suppliers had the opportunity to ask questions. The last hour of the event was dedicated to integrating suppliers with the Eletrobras team.
Zero Harm Events

In 2024, Eletrobras included the Zero Harm events in its action plan for suppliers. The series name reinforces the company's goal: zero harm is the only acceptable number.
At the 1st Zero Harm event, we reinforced one of our Values: “Life comes first." The event took place on May 22 in Rio de Janeiro, with the objective of promoting and allowing suppliers to share their best Health and Safety practices.
Dialogue with Suppliers 2023
In December 2023, the Mobilization Webinar for Suppliers (online event) took place. The event aimed to communicate the new mobilization process flow and facilitate the exchange of information among contracted companies, reinforcing the commitment to health, safety, and the well-being of all.
Target audience
Suppliers and employees of our companies directly involved with the issues addressed.
In 2022 we organized three different editions on the following themes:
• Implementing the Global Compact's Guiding Principles in the Supply Chain - Supplier Engagement
• The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
• The role of the ombudsman in supplier relationships.
Objectives of the event
National Meeting of Suppliers of Eletrobras Companies 2021

On December 2, 2021, a virtual edition of the National Meeting of Suppliers of Eletrobras Companies 2021 took place. This year's meeting addressed issues related to"ESG aspects in hiring - reality and progress" and "Integrated Management of the Supply Chain of Eletrobras Companies - results and perspectives". There was also a workshop presented by employees of Eletrobras companies with workshops related to due diligence, management contracts, supplier registration, among other topics.The event, with more than 500 participants, invited reflection and updating on important issues for society and for the relationship between our companies, employees and suppliers.
Check out the topics that were covered in this webinar:
ESG in Reality and Progress signings
Integrated Supply Management - Results and Outlook
Workshop 01 - Supplier Registration and Registration Certificate - CRC
Workshop 02 - Certificate of Technical Capacity
Workshop 03 - Contract Management
Workshop 04 - Integrity Due Diligence
Workshop 05 - Due Diligence ESG - Human Rights
Workshop 06 - Due Diligence ESG - Environment
National Meeting of Suppliers of Eletrobras Companies - virtual edition
On August 28, 2020, the first virtual edition of the National Meeting of Suppliers of Eletrobras Companies took place, an event already traditional in our calendar that increasingly seeks to strengthen the relationship between our companies and their suppliers. More than 300 participants were able to learn and answer questions on topics related to Human Rights, the environment, corporate integrity, safety in the workplace, and business opportunities during the pandemic. This webinar was the first of four that will take place until the end of the year.

Check out the topics that were covered in the first webinar (08/28):
• Human rights in the supply chain - more than a duty, an obligation;
• Our commitment to the environment - future generations will be grateful;
• Corporate integrity in the relationship with suppliers;
• Healthy people in safe corporate environments produce more and with a better quality of life;
• Supply chain challenges in times of pandemic and business opportunities - case Eletrobras companies.
The second webinar of the virtual edition of the Meeting with Suppliers was held on 09/30/2020. Among the topics addressed are aspects related to the hiring process of Eletrobras companies, such as integrity´s due diligence and its implications on hiring; General Law on Protection of Personal Data (LGPD); and the main differences between Law 13.303/2016 and Law 8.666/1993, under the Eletrobras´ Bids and Contracts Regulation. |
Check out the topics that were covered in the second webinar:
General Data Protection Law - aspects for suppliers
Understanding the Integrity Due Diligence and its implications for the hiring of Eletrobras companies
Hiring under the Eletrobras companies' Bids and Contracts Regulation: main differences between laws 13,303 / 2016 and 8,666 / 93
The third webinar of the virtual edition of the Meeting with Suppliers was held on 10/28/2020. Among the topics covered in the virtual event are aspects related to the Contract Management process in Eletrobras companies - Administrative aspects: Contractual changes (amendments, deletions, etc.) and billing; The systematization and standardization of the Contract Management procedures in Eletrobras companies - Know what is changing and Case Eletronuclear - Quality audit process - Adding value to Eletrobras and the Supplier.
Check out the material used in the presentations by the speakers:
The systematization and standardization of contract management procedures in Eletrobras companies
Contract Management in Eletrobras companies - contractual changes (additions, deletions, etc.) and billing
Quality audit
The fourth webinar of the National Meeting of Suppliers of Eletrobras Companies 2020 was held on 11/25/2020, ending the series of the first virtual edition of the event. The webinar included the lectures "Integrating transparent partnerships with global priorities", given by the advisor to the Eletrobras Management and Sustainability Directorate Sandro Damásio, "High performance in management and impacts on the B2B relationship", with Sebrae consultant Zoroastro Esteves, and "The differential of being a supplier to Eletrobras companies and their business opportunities", presented by the manager of the area of Governance and Supplier Management at Eletrobras, Samanta Evaristo.
Check out the material used in the presentations by the speakers:
Integrating transparent partnerships with global priorities
High performance in management and impacts on B2B relationship
The differential of being a supplier to Eletrobras companies and their business opportunities
Previous editions
The Meeting with Suppliers was created in 2010, establishing a new channel of relationship with our suppliers. The event has already had seven editions.The fourth edition, held in 2014, was the first one organized with the participation of our companies from Rio de Janeiro.
1st National Meeting of Eletrobras Companies
Regional meetings of our companies with suppliers have already become a tradition in the corporate calendar. In 2019, for the first time, a national version was held, including suppliers from all Eletrobras companies.
The 1st National Meeting of Suppliers of Eletrobras Companies, held in two editions of equal content, took place in the auditorium of the Cultural Center of Furnas, in Rio de Janeiro, on May 9, and in Brasilia, on May 16, at the headquarters of Eletrobras Eletronorte.
This year's meeting addressed issues related to sustainability 4.0, human rights in the companies, compliance, and application of Eletrobras' Bidding and Contracts Regulations, highlighting the importance of these issues in the planning of the Company's actions and business. The new moment for our companies, focusing on systems integration, services, and acquisitions, was another highlight at the time."
7th Meeting with Suppliers - Meeting with Suppliers of the Eletrobras Companies of Rio de Janeiro
The seventh edition of the Meeting with Suppliers took place on December 6, 2017, at the Main Hall of the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange. Promoted by Eletrobras holding, Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras Eletropar, Eletrobras Eletronuclear and Eletrobras Furnas, the event had lectures on the new regulations for procurement of the Eletrobras companies and on the interaction of supply management with social responsibility, human rights, environment and corporate integrity – a theme associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations (UN).
6th Meeting with Suppliers - Meeting with Suppliers of the Eletrobras Companies of Rio de Janeiro
On November 10, 2016, we held the 6th Meeting with Suppliers in the Main Hall of the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange. The initiative was a joint action of the companies Eletrobras, Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras Eletropar, Eletrobras Eletronuclear and Eletrobras Furnas. Suppliers with contracts in force, managers and inspectors of contracts of our companies in Rio de Janeiro attended the event. In the edition of this year, the following subjects were addressed: "The New Scene of Bids and Contracts - Law of Liability of the Government Companies", "Anti-corruption Program" and some aspects related to the environment and the social responsibility:
Dialogue with the Environment: Representatives of our area of environment showed the importance to unite the process of purchases with criteria capable to incorporate, beyond the best financial return, the best social and environmental return. With this objective, they approached relevant subjects, such as climatic changes and greenhouse gas emissions, generation and treatment of residues, water consumption, energy and fuels, and conservation of biodiversity. The event was held in partnership with the companies Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras Eletronuclear and Eletrobras Furnas.
Dialogue with Social Responsibility: The committees of gender and race of our companies of Rio de Janeiro (Eletrobras, Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras Eletronuclear and Eletrobras Furnas) led to debate issues on difficulties of functional ascension faced by women and black men/women and on moral and sexual harassment.
5th Meeting with Suppliers - Meeting with Suppliers of the Eletrobras Companies of Rio de Janeiro
The 5th edition of the Meeting with Suppliers occurred in the Main Hall of the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, on December 15, 2015. The event held with Eletrobras, Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras Eletronuclear and Eletrobras Furnas, approached subjects as managing outsourcing contracts, contracting, processes of amendments, extensions, readjustments and renegotiations.
4th Meeting with Suppliers - Meeting with Suppliers of the Eletrobras Companies of Rio de Janeiro
For the first time, the event was organized with the participation of our companies of Rio de Janeiro - Eletrobras, Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras Eletronuclear and Eletrobras Furnas. Held on November 25, 2014, in the auditorium of the building of Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, the 3rd Meeting with Suppliers had the lectures “Bids and Administrative Contracts of Eletrobras - Relevant Issues” (with emphasis in the Anti-Corruption Law - Law no. 12,846/2013), “Guiding Principles of ONU for Human Rights in the Companies”, “The Environment in the Public Bids”, “Equity of Gender and Race in the Work” and “Outsourcing and Co-responsibility”.
3rd Meeting with Suppliers
During the 3rd Meeting with Suppliers, the following lectures were held: “Bidding Process - Relevant Issues”, “Ethics: A Fundamental Element in the Contracting Process”, “Carbon Management in All Supply Sectors”, “The Supply Chain & Sustainability: Investigating the Perception of the Suppliers”, “Cycle of Inspection and Management of Outsourcing Contracts”, “Budgets in accordance with the Law 8,666/93 - New Interpretations” and “Labor Issues in Outsourcing Contracts - Legal Aspects”. The event occurred on November 27, 2013, in Hotel Windsor Guanabara, in Rio de Janeiro.
2nd Meeting with Suppliers
Held on November 28, 2012 in the Auditorium of Firjan, in Rio de Janeiro, the 2nd Meeting of Suppliers dealt with the following subjects: "The Engagement of Suppliers and Sustainability Practices", "Sustainability in the Contracting of Eletrobras", "Application of Penalties in Administrative Contracts", "Physical-Tax Receipt in Eletrobras", "Integrated Actions of the Supply Areas of Eletrobras Companies", "Management and Inspection of Contracts in Eletrobras" and "Sustainability in the Supply Chain".
1st Meeting with Suppliers
The first edition of Meeting of Suppliers occurred on July 14, 2010 in RB01 building in Rio de Janeiro.
In the event, subjects as bids, contracting and contractual obligations, social responsibility, sustainability and its insertion in bids and Electronic Invoice and SPED, beyond the disclosure of the Code of Ethics and the Supply Logistics of Eletrobras Companies. The Plan of Transformation of Eletrobras was also presented.