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Boards, Councils and Committees

​Know the members of our Board of Executive Officers, our Board of Directors and our Fiscal Council:

Board of Executive Officers


Chief Executive Officer​ - Ivan de Souza Monteiro 

Ivan de Souza Monteiro has a degree in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering from the National Institute of Telecommunications, in Minas Gerais, he studied an Executive MBA in Finance from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC/RJ) and an MBA in Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. January (PUC/RJ). Ivan de Souza Monteiro was Co-CEO and Chairman of Investment Bank at Credit Suisse Brasil. He was CEO and Financial and Investor Relations Director – CFO of Petrobras – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., Vice-President of Financial Management and Investor Relations – CFO of Banco do Brasil S.A., having also served as General Manager BB New York, General Manager BB Lisboa e África and Commercial Superintendent of Banco do Brasil S.A. He served on the NuBank Risk Committee, as well as on the boards of directors of IRB – Instituto de Reinseguros do Brasil, Petrobras – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., Ultrapar Participações, Banco Votorantim Participações S.A. , BB Seguridade and CPFL Energia. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Eletrobras since August 2022, having served as Chairman of the Board until August 14, 2023, when he was elected CEO of Eletrobras and resigned as Chairman of the Board.​ 


Executive Vice-President of Governance, Risks, Compliance and Sustainability​​ - Camila Gualda Sampaio Araújo

Camila Araújo graduated in Chemical Engineering at Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial in 2000 and holds a Master in Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in 2004 and an specialization in Innovation, Agile Methods & Sprint at Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista in 2019. Carries a sucessful backgound in Risk Consulting, having started her carreer at Arthur Andersen in 2000. At Deloitte, has held several positions until was made partner of Risk Consulting in 2012. She's developed strong knowledge in Risk Management, from identification of risks to estabilishing risk apetite, risk response and monitoring activities. Is also experienced in corporate governance, compliance programs (inlcuing anti-corruption initiatives and monitoring) and imanagement of nternal controls. Is a guest teacher at the Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (IBGC) and Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar).                              


Executive Vice-President of Finance and Investor Relations​​ - Eduardo Haiama

Eduardo Haiama graduated from the USP Polytechnic School in Electrical Engineering and has a postgraduate degree (MBA) from Duke University (North Carolina, USA). He served as Financial and Investor Relations Director of Yduqs Participações, from 2019 to 2022, and of Equatorial Energia, from 2008 until November 2019. He was also a Board Member of Equatorial Energia. He worked at Banco UBS Pactual, in the equity research area, as a senior utilities analyst, between 2004 and 2008. On several occasions, he was recognized as one of the best analysts in the market by Institutional Investor. Previously, he had worked as a structured products analyst for Banco Itaú BBA (formerly BBA Creditanstalt).​  


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Executive Vice President of Expansion Engineering​​​ - Robson Pinheiro Rodrigues de Campos

​Robson Pinheiro Rodrigues de Campos ​is a lawyer, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He studied finance at IBMEC and has a master's degree in management from Georgetown University. He began his career in 1990 at Wartsila, where he remained from 1990 to 2016, occupying different positions, such as executive director of energy for Mercosur and president and CEO of the Brazilian operation. From 2020 to December 2023, he held the position of CEO of the Brazilian Engineering and Construction operation of the Chilean group Sigdo Koppers.​​  



Executive Vice-President Of ​Regulation, Institutional and Market Regulation And Corporate Relations - Rodrigo Limp Nascimento

Rodrigo Limp Nascimento holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He has a master's degree in Regulatory Law and a Master of Public Sector Economics, both from the University of Brasília, and a Master of Business Administration in Electric Energy from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He began his professional career at the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), in 2007, as a specialist in the regulation of public energy services. In 2015, he became a legislative consultant in the areas of energy, mining, and water resources in the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. From May 2018 to March 2020, he held the position of director of Aneel and then secretary of Electric Energy of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Mme). From April 2021 to July 2022, he was a member of the Board of Directors of Itaipu Binacional. Since April 2020, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian National Electric System Operator (ONS), becoming the chairman of the board in May 2021. He was sworn in as president of Eletrobras in May 2021. 


Executive Vice-President of Strategy and Business Development - Élio Wolff

Élio Wolff holds a degree in Electrical Engineering (1999) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), with a specialization in Finance (2000), from the Socioeconomic Studies and Research Foundation (Fepese/UFSC), an MBA in Corporate Finance from Ibmec (2003), and participation in the General Management Program (2014), at CEDEP/Insead (France). He began his professional career at Gerasul/Tractebel (currently Engie) in Florianópolis, in 2000, and continued in Engie from 2006 to 2014, working in business development and as a financial analyst. He also held positions as Head of Strategy and CFO in Dubai, Rio de Janeiro, Panama and India. In 2015, he started working at Engie's headquarter in Paris, reaching the position of Global Head of M&A, in 2018. He took over Eletrobras' Business Strategy and Equity Board in December 2022.


Executive Vice President of People, Management, and Culture – Renato Costa Santos Carreira (interim​)

Renato Costa Santos Carreira holds a degree in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Marketing (PUC-SP). He has specializations in Marketing Economic and Financial Management (FGV) and Strategy for Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business School). He was Market Director at Carrefour Comércio e Indústria S/A (2003 to 2006); held the positions of General Manager of Purchasing (2006 to 2010) and  General Manager of Investments (Capex and Materials Administration) at Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (2010 to 2013); was Executive Director of Supply Chain (Supplies, Logistics, and Planning), at GRSA – Soluções em Alimentação e Serviços de Apoio (Compass Group) (2013 to 2019); and served as Global Executive Manager of Supplies and Inbound Logistics at Vale S/A, from April 2019 to 2023. 


Executive Vice-President of Commercialization​ - Italo Tadeu de Carvalho Freitas Filho

Italo Tadeu de Carvalho Freitas Filho graduated in Mechanical Engineering (Escola Politécnica PE), completed an MBA in Finance from the University of Murcia (Spain), and holds a master's degree in Energy and Environment from Unicamp. Worked as Performance Manager at AES Cartagena/ES (2004 to 2007); was Operations and Maintenance Director at AES Uruguaiana (2007 to 2009); served as Operations and Maintenance Director at AES Tietê (2009 to 2014); was CEO of AES Brasil from 2016 to 2021. He held the position of VP of New Business for South America of AES Corporation SBU, from 2021 to 2023.


Executive Vice President of Operations and Security - Antônio Varejão de Godoy

Antônio Varejão de Godoy graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), completed a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp, and has an MBA in Business Finance from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He worked at Eletrobras as manager of the Special Projects Development Department (PROCEL - 2002 to 2003). He served as CEO at Eletrobras Chesf (2014 to 2015); Engineering and Construction Director at Eletrobras Chesf (2015 to 2017); Generation Director at Eletrobras (2017 to 2019); Chairman of the NESA Board of Directors (2018 to 2020); assistant to the CEO at Eletrobras Chesf (2019 to 2021), where he was also Superintendent of Strategy, Participations and Sustainability (2021 to 2022). Until 2022, he worked as Director of Sensatto Energia, director of Casaforte Energia, and Casaforte Eólica. He was also a board member of Companhia Rio das Flores and Garça Branca, until 2022. 


Executive Vice President of Supplies and Services – Renato Costa Santos Carreira

Renato Costa Santos Carreira holds a degree in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Marketing (PUC-SP). He has specializations in Marketing Economic and Financial Management (FGV) and Strategy for Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business School). He was Market Director at Carrefour Comércio e Indústria S/A (2003 to 2006); held the positions of General Manager of Purchasing (2006 to 2010) and  General Manager of Investments (Capex and Materials Administration) at Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (2010 to 2013); was Executive Director of Supply Chain (Supplies, Logistics, and Planning), at GRSA – Soluções em Alimentação e Serviços de Apoio (Compass Group) (2013 to 2019); and served as Global Executive Manager of Supplies and Inbound Logistics at Vale S/A, from April 2019 to 2023. 

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Executive Vice President of Innovation, R&D, Digital and IT – Juliano de Carvalho Dantas

Juliano de Carvalho Dantas is a mechanical engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and postgraduate in Project Management from FGV. He earned his Master of Science in Management (Sloan Fellow) degree from Stanford Business School (USA) and completed the Advanced Management Program (amp) from INSEAD, France. Between 2007 and 2019, he worked at Petrobras as Well Project Manager, Production Asset Manager, General Manager of Supply Strategy and General Manager of HR. From November 2019 to December 2021, he led Cenpes (Petrobras Research Center) as executive manager and integrated, until September 2022, the Executive Board of Petrobras as statutory director of Digital Transformation, Technology and Innovation. 



Legal Vice-Presidency – Marcelo de Siqueira Freitas

Marcelo de Siqueira Freitas holds a law degree from the University of Brasília (1999). In 2014, he participated in the Senior Managers in Government at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (USA), and in 2015, in the Management in the Public Sector program at the École Nationale D’Administration, in France. He served as federal prosecutor from 2000 until 2023, having been federal prosecutor of the AttorneyGeneral of the Union between 2008 and 2015. He also served as Executive Secretary at the Ministry of Social Security in 2015. He was Legal Director (2016/2018) and Director of Integrity, Controllership and Risk Management (2018) of BNDES. He has extensive experience as a teacher, especially in the areas of Administration, Social Security and Civil Areas  


Board of Directors

Under the terms of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors is the highest management body responsible for establishing the general guidance of the Company's business, defining its strategic direction, ensuring the proper functioning of corporate governance systems, risk management and internal controls and preserving the orderly succession of management, aiming at the Company's long-term interests, its longevity and the generation of sustainable value.

Our Board of Directors is made up of 9 (nine) members, 7 (seven) of whom are independent in accordance with the criteria defined in art. 16 of the Novo Mercado Regulations, representing 78% of this body.

​The average term of office of the Eletrobras Board of Directors is 2.78 years.​


Vicente Falconi Campos (President) Download Curriculum

Independent member

ft_wilson.jpeg Ivan de Souza Monteiro Download curriculum


Daniel Alves Ferreira
 Download curriculum
Independent member


Felipe Villela Dias Download Curriculum
Independent member

Conselheiro_Marcelo_Freitas_cinza_site_Claudio_Ribeiro_2022.jpgMarcelo de Siqueira Freitas Download Curriculum


Marcelo Gasparino da Silva Download Curriculum
Independent member​


Marisete Fatima Dadald Pereira Download Curriculum
Independent member​


Pedro Batista de Lima Filho
 Download Curriculum
Independent member​


Ana Silvia Corso MatteDownload Curriculum
Independent member​​

Board of Directors Support Committees

Composed of board members and, in the case of the Audit Committee, and also by an external member, the Committees assist the Board of Directors in strategic matters, in order to provide greater speed, rationality, security and technicality to the decision making process. The appointment of its members is decided by the Board of Directors, pursuant to its Internal Regulations and Eletrobras By-Laws.

Audit and Risk Committee - CAE:

Luiz Carlos Nannini (Coordinator)Download Curriculum

Daniel Alves Ferreira Download Curriculum

Luis Henrique Bassi Almeida  Download Curriculum

Committee on Strategy - ​CEST​:  

Marisete Fatima Dadald Pereira (Coordinator) Download Curriculum

Felipe Villela Dias Download Curriculum

Vicente Falconi Campos Download Curriculum

Pedro Batista de Lima Filho Download Curriculum

Committee of People - CPES​​:  

Pedro Batista de Lima Filho (Coordinator)Download Curriculum

Vicente Falconi Campos Download Curriculum

Ana Silvia Corso Matte Download Curriculum

Felipe Villela Dias Download Curriculum

Legal Affairs Support Committee - CAAJ:

Daniel Alves Ferreira (Coordinator) Download Curriculum

Pedro Batista de Lima Filho Download Curriculum

Marcelo de Siqueira Freitas Download Curriculum

Marcelo Gasparino da Silva Download Curriculum

Sustainability​ Committee - COSU:

Marcelo Gasparino da Silva (Coordinator) Download Curriculum

​Ana Silvia Corso Matte Download Curriculum

Felipe Villela Dias Download Curriculum

Fiscal Council

The Fiscal Council of Eletrobras is currently composed of five members and four substitutes, elected at the 63rd Ordinary General Meeting of Eletrobras.

Carlos Eduardo Teixeira Taveiros – titular member - Download Curriculum

Rochana Grossi Freire – alternate member - Download Curriculum

Gisomar Francisco de Bittencourt Marinho – titular member - Download Curriculum

Paulo Roberto Franceschi – alternate member - Download Curriculum

José Raimundo dos Santos – titular member - Download Curriculum

Paulo Roberto Bellentani Brandão - alternate member - Download Curriculum

Ricardo Bertucci - titular member - Download Curriculum

​Moacir Gibur​ - alternate member