
Contact us

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Contact us

We are an open and transparent company with several communication channels with our audiences.

Before contacting us, please ensure that your question is answered on our website. Here are the most frequently asked questions about our company.

Our Contact Us is a relationship channel for sending questions and requests for information on the following topics:

  • TRANSMISSION: requests for information regarding the operation of the transmission system, monitoring of the operational performance of the facilities under the responsibility of Eletrobras companies, management of transmission assets, and results of performance indicators of the transmission operation.
  • ENERGY TRADING: If you want to buy energy from Eletrobras for your company, fill out your registration on this form​. If you are already a customer and need assistance, send an email to: posvenda.comercial@eletrobras.com. For demands covering other topics related to the Regulated Contracting Environment (ACR), Free Contracting Environment (ACL), Physical Guarantee Quotas regime and related matters, access our Contact Us page.

  • LIGHT FOR ALL: requests for information related to the operationalization of the National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electric Energy "Light for All". ​
  • SUPPLIERS: requests for information related to suppliers such as annual report data, standardization, policies, and guidelines. For demands on supplier registration, issuance of the technical capacity certificate, Due Diligence Integrity, and Due Diligence ESG, call relacionamento.fornecedores@eletrobras.com.
  • PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: use this option in the case of demands that refer to topics such as selection processes, internship programs and young apprentices, compensation and company benefits, corporate education, health and safety at work.
  • RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION: requests for information related to scientific research, technological development, and innovation of Eletrobras companies.
  • COMMUNICATION/ INSTITUTIONAL: demand for institutional information about Eletrobras and its trajectory, the Eletrobras brand and its application, and the image bank. In case of press demands, please contact imprensa@eletrobras.com
  • HUMAN RIGHTS: demand for information on Eletrobras' commitments and practices to ensure respect for human rights (Combating work analogous to slavery, child labor, moral and sexual harassment, physical accessibility, diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities and minority groups) of the people with whom it relates and impacts: employees, communities, supply chain, and other publics.
  • COMPULSORY LOAN: demand for information on compulsory loan credit and bearer obligations.
  • BUSINESS STRATEGY: requests for information on the elaboration of scenarios, guidelines, and strategic objectives, execution of the strategy, and monitoring of the business performance of the companies of the Eletrobras group.
  • GENERATION: demands for information on the expansion of generation, the safety of dams, operation, and maintenance of Eletrobras plants. It includes topics such as the monitoring of new plants under implementation and the operational performance of existing generation assets.
  • SPONSORSHIPS: demand for information on our Sponsorship Policy and investments, opportunities, and notices of Eletrobras companies to sponsor events in the electricity sector, cultural, sports, and other projects.
  • COMMUNITY RELATIONS: demand for information on the social and environmental impacts of our business, on communication and social interaction actions with affected communities, including indigenous peoples and traditional communities, on social responsibility projects, such as those selected in the Notice of Social and Environmental Projects of Eletrobras Companies, and on the commitments and practices of Eletrobras companies related to human rights, social inclusion, and sustainable development.
  • PARTICIPATION MANAGEMENT: requests for information on Special Purpose Companies (SPEs) in which Eletrobras operates in partnership with other companies in the implementation and operation of plants, transmission lines, and substations.
  • GOVERNANCE: requests for information on governance structure, the composition of the board and councils, bylaws, the appointment of directors, and participation in meetings.
  • LEGAL: request for information on the Eletrobras legal. Delivery of Court Summons and Notification Warrants are not included in the Contact Us and must be delivered in person to the Company's headquarters (Rua da Quitanda, 196 – Centro – RJ). Any other legal documents that do not contain a peremptory term may be directed to the institutional e-mail jrjtp@eletrobras.com.
  • ENVIRONMENT: demand for information on the environmental impacts of our business, on our environmental management system, and the commitments made and our practices concerning biodiversity, water, and climate change.
  • OPERATIONS ABROAD: information on Eletrobras' international operations, regional interconnections, and binational ventures.
  • WEBSITE SUPPORT: forwarding navigation problems on the Eletrobras website.".

We also have specific channels for:

In order to serve you better, please choose only the specific channel to handle your question.

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