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The Ombudsman's Office of Eletrobras is an important communication channel between you and our company. Being oriented to both internal and external public, the Ombudsman's​​ Office has tools to ensure that you can request information or make your suggestions, complaints, delation or praise about our proceedings and actions. The function of the Ombudsman's Office is to seek with all areas of the company solutions for the received questions, aiming at improving our internal processes and the transparency.

See the 2023 annual demonstration report here

It is important you know that:

  • You do not need to identify yourself when making your manifestation/request. However, it is important to remember that, so that the Ombudsman's Office can forward the response, it needs some protestor's contact.

  • If you choose to identify yourself, the Ombu​dsman's Office undertakes to keep your data secret.

Go to the Ombudsman's System (system in Portuguese ​langua​​ge) here.

You can also contact the Ombudsman's Office of Eletrobras, during business hours:​
By telephone: +55 21 2514-4526/5895
In person:
Rua da Quitanda, 196 - Centro - ​Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20091-005​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

And at any time by letter at the above address​
