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Water Resources

Water is an essential natural resource for maintaining life on the planet. Fundamental activities in our daily lives depend on water, which is also an input for the functioning of industry, food production and energy generation. 

Eletrobras stands out for its renewable matrix of predominantly water sources, making this a fundamental and strategic resource for the company, so that contributing to the protection of this resource means investing in the longevity of our activities.

This relationship reinforces the need for efficient management, which allows quantitative control of the use of this resource and has as its premise care for maintaining quality after its use in any process.

Eletrobras companies monitor indicators related to the capture, disposal and consumption of water in administrative and operational activities through a system of corporate sustainability management indicators, the IGS system, a tool that guarantees traceability and reliability of the data provided. The values are entered according to the records presented in the concessionaires' water bills or based on water meter readings.

Efficient and integrated management, based on the rational and sustainable use of water, is in the guidelines of Environmental Policies (Environmental Policy of Eletrobras Companies) and Water Resources (Water Resources Policy) of Eletrobras. We are aligned with SDG 6 – Drinking water and basic sanitation – which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for everyone. Eletrobras is also a signatory to the Global Compact and the Business Commitment to Water Security​, an initiative of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development – CEBDS. See here the initiatives that Eletrobras is part of on the Aquasfera platform.

We also consider issues related to water in Supplier Environmental Due Diligence. All new suppliers must complete an online form asking questions about their practices related to climate change, water, biodiversity, waste management and environmental legal requirements. The questionnaire includes specific questions about water resources, such as water management, liquid effluents, water efficiency and water footprint, aiming to identify suppliers' practices related to this topic. 

​According to an assessment by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in the water security dimension, we are considered a leading company with the best market practices. In 2023, we received an A- score in this dimension.

Eletrobras prepares studies to assess its vulnerability and impact in relation to water, including climate scenarios; and invests in energy transition projects and actions, seeking to expand generation from renewable sources with less dependence on water.

We seek to participate in local River Basin Committees, in which representatives of the river basin community discuss and deliberate on the management of water resources, sharing management responsibilities with public authorities. We currently participate in the São Francisco River, Rio de Contas and Parnaíba River Basin Committees. We also participate in State Water Resources Committees and Councils, seeking to act to promote water conservation and rational use.​​

Water Footprint

Life Cycle Analysis (Water Footprint) studies are being carried out by Eletrobras in partnership with Cepel. Initially, a bibliographic survey was carried out on life cycle analysis of projects in the electrical sector in accordance with ISO 14046, in order to support the development of methodology and general guidelines for calculating the water footprint of different energy sources.

In 2023 and 2024, the water footprint of the following typologies was calculated:

  • Natural gas thermoelectric generation, using the Santa Cruz thermal power plant of Furnas as a case study, considering the indicators freshwater consumption, freshwater ecotoxicity and thermal pollution.

  • Hydroelectric Generation Plant, using Eletrosul's Cachoeira Branca CGH as a case study, using the indicators freshwater consumption and water scarcity.

  • Wind generation, using Chesf's Casa Nova A Wind farm as a case study.

  • Transmission Line, using Eletronorte's Coxipó-Nobres LT as a case study, considering indicators of global warming, water consumption and freshwater ecotoxicity.


As a result, it was found that wind and solar sources have the lowest water footprint. The development of projects using the LCA method aligns with current trends of deepening control over socio-environmental impacts throughout the production chain, pursuing continuous improvement of processes, seeking to increase efficiency and circularity in its activities. By carrying out these studies, Eletrobras demonstrates its commitment to understanding the impacts of its activities considering its value chain.


Water Risk Management

Integrated Risk Management at Eletrobras Companies has the main objective of preventing the occurrence of events that could negatively impact their strategic objectives.

The main source of energy generation used today by Eletrobras is hydropower and there are several risks associated with this type of generation. Currently, for the company as a whole, the most important risk related to this type of activity is hydrological, which consists of maintaining a level of systemic production below the physical guarantee of the plants that make up the regulated energy market. This risk may materialize mainly due to the water scarcity factor. In this way, the company seeks to protect itself from its materialization by renegotiating the hydrological risk and carrying out an “Energy Hedge".

In relation to water stress, Eletrobras captures less than 1% of water from areas with this characteristic. This water is completely returned with similar quality, without consumption. To assess the location of projects in relation to water stress, Eletrobras adopts the methodology and results of the report “Conjuntura de Recursos Hídricos no Brasil", from ANA (National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency), which annually makes a balance between the water availability and resource demand through the analysis of the relationship between the collection flow for consumptive uses and water availability in stretches of watercourses.

In relation to climate risk assessment, Waycarbon supports Eletrobras in quantifying the risk of meteorological droughts for the group's hydro plants, associating new flow patterns with the physical guarantee of plants considered priority by Eletrobras. The project consists of carrying out a study to assess the climate risk of the river basins where Eletrobras has hydroelectric plants.

It is now clear that contributing to the protection of water resources is investing in the long-term sustainability of the hydroelectric generation business, as water provision is an essential ecosystem service. It is not possible to advance the water resources agenda without considering the maintenance of this service, which directly depends on the conservation of biodiversity. Containing deforestation and significantly expanding forested areas are nature-based solutions that make a concrete contribution to improving water quality and availability, in addition to promoting the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere, a fundamental measure in combating climate change. 

Eletrobras is aware of the importance of its role and develops actions that contribute to a new development model. The company participates in several forums and makes commitments related to water security, biodiversity and climate change, having, in 2023, made a commitment to the Science Based Targets Initiative to be Net Zero by 2030. 

