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​​​About Eletrobras

We are leaders in the generation and transmission of electricity in the country and we have contributed to make the Brazilian energy matrix one of the cleanest and most renewable in the world. 

Largest company in the electrical sector in Latin America, we are a publicly traded company.  We adopt strategies aimed at governance and compliance, operational excellence, financial discipline, sustainable performance and valuing people and, through our companies, we are present in all regions of Brazil.

Eletrobras in numbers 

  • Largest Brazilian electric power generation company, with generating capacity equivalent to 22% of the country's total installed capacity.

  • About 97% of our installed capacity comes from sources with low greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Leading company in electric energy transmission in Brazil, with 38.49% of the total transmission lines of the National Interconnected System in its basic network.

Eletrobras Companies

We contribute to Brazil's electricity generation and transmission systems through our subsidiaries Eletrobras CGT Eletrosul, Chesf and Eletronorte. In addition to being the main shareholder of these companies, we control Eletrobras Participações S.A. (Electropair Electrobras).

We are members of the Electric Energy Research Center (Cepel), a non-profit civil association, a legal entity governed by private law, founded by the Eletrobras companies. Technological innovation and scientific research are values of the Eletrobras companies. Learn more about Cepel.

​Visit our companies' websites:

Eletrobras in the World​

We began our internationalization process in 2008, conducting the first studies on hydroelectric developments, transmission lines and generation of renewable energy in the American continent. Today, our international activity is focused on the Latin American electric integration, minimizing environmental risks and using renewable energy sources, considering the relevant hydroelectric potential of the region.

As a consequence of the internationalization process, the Artilleros wind farm (65 MW), located in the Department of Colonia, Uruguay, began operations. The farm was inaugurated in 2015 and is the result of the association, in the Uruguayan Special Purpose Entity (SPE) Rouar S.A., between our company and Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas (UTE).​ 

Regional interconnections

We operate transmission lines that interconnect Brazil to Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela.

In 2016, a new interconnection between Brazil and Uruguay, with a capacity of 500 MW, was put into operation connecting the municipality of Candiota in Rio Grande do Sul and the resort of Punta del Leste in Uruguay.


The creation of Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. (Eletrobras) was proposed in 1954 by President Getúlio Vargas. The project faced great opposition and was only approved after seven years in the National Congress. On April 25, 1961, President Jânio Quadros signed Law 3,890-A, authorizing the Federal Government to establish Eletrobras. The company's installation took place officially on June 11, 1962, in a solemn session of the National Council for Water and Electricity (CNAEE), at Palácio Laranjeiras, in Rio de Janeiro, with the presence of President João Goulart.

Eletrobras received the assignment to promote studies, projects for the construction and operation of generating plants, transmission lines and substations destined to supply the country's electricity. The new company started to contribute decisively to the expansion of the supply of electric energy and the development of the country.

Institutional reforms and privatizations in the 1990s led to the loss of some functions of the state-owned company and changes in Eletrobras' profile. During this period, the company also started to act, by legal determination and temporarily, in the distribution of electric energy, through companies in the states of Alagoas, Piauí, Rondônia, Acre, Roraima and Amazonas. Eletrobras ended its activities in the distribution sector in 2018.

The process was part of a broad corporate restructuring with the reduction of the number of Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) until 2021, in addition to the creation of Eletrobras CGT Eletrosul, from the merger of the operations of the subsidiaries Eletrobras Eletrosul and Companhia de Geração Térmica de Energia. (Eletrobras CGTEE) and the merger of Eletrobras Amazonas GT by Eletrobras Eletronorte.

In February 2021, Provisional Measure No. 1,031/2021 allowed the inclusion of Eletrobras in the National Privatization Program (PND), enabling BNDES to contract the technical studies necessary for structuring the operation. In July, the conversion of this provisional measure into Law No. 14,182/2021 guaranteed the necessary legislative authorization for the privatization to proceed. Three months later, in October 2021, the resolution of the Investment Partnership Program (PPI) Board was published, which approved the privatization model.

The Federal Audit Court (TCU) has twice expressed its opinion on the privatization of Eletrobras. In the first, in February 2022, when it approved the value added by the new concession grants for electricity generation and, in the second, in May of this year, when it validated the model for the privatization of the company. The process relied on contributions from the TCU and the National Congress for its implementation.

In order to make the privatization viable, a corporate restructuring was carried out, separating Eletrobras' participation in Itaipu Binacional and transferring control over Eletronuclear to the state-owned Empresa Nacional de Participações em Energia Nuclear e Binacional (ENBPar), so that the two companies would remain with the Union, as determined by law.

On June 14, 2022, the traditional ringing of the bell on the São Paulo stock exchange (B3) symbolically marked the capitalization of Eletrobras, now a corporation of international standard. The capitalization resulted in a significant dispersion of the company's capital stock and, with the entry of new investors, in the strengthening of the capital market as a whole.

Three days earlier, on June 11, 2022, the company celebrated its 60th anniversary by telling its story of pioneering and innovating in the electric energy sector. The challenges faced by Eletrobras throughout its trajectory and the solutions adopted confirm the perception that the company is ready for the future, based on the values ​​and experiences it has acquired over 60 years. A unique trajectory, driven by the diversity of historical contexts through which it passed, but always guided by the ability to assume a central role in the development process of the Brazilian electricity sector.