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​​​Eletrobras in the World​

We began our internationalization process in 2008, conducting the first studies on hydroelectric developments, transmission lines and generation of renewable energy in the American continent. Today, our international activity is focused on the Latin American electric integration, minimizing environmental risks and using renewable energy sources, considering the relevant hydroelectric potential of the region.

As a consequence of the internationalization process, the Artilleros wind farm (65 MW), located in the Department of Colonia, Uruguay, began operations. The farm was inaugurated in 2015 and is the result of the association, in the Uruguayan Special Purpose Entity (SPE) Rouar S.A., between our company and Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas (UTE).

Binational ventures

Since the 1970s, we have been working closely with neighboring countries to develop binational projects. Among these projects, we highlight the agreement between Brazil and Paraguay that started the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant, with 14,000 MW of installed capacity.
The world leader in clean and renewable energy generation, Itaipu had a historical production of 103,098,366 MWh in 2016, contributing to reduce the use of thermal power plants and promoting the use of cheaper energy.
In addition, we are carrying out studies for the installation of two hydroelectric power plants on the Uruguay River, on the border of Brazil and Argentina, in cooperation with the Argentine company Emprendimientos Energéticos Binacionales S.A. (Ebisa).
As a result of our experience with binational projects, in 2016 we signed a partnership with the Bolivian company Ende in order to make joint investments for the commercialization of energy and the construction of a binational hydroelectric power plant on the Madeira River.

Regional interconnections

We operate transmission lines that interconnect Brazil to Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela.

In 2016, a new interconnection between Brazil and Uruguay, with a capacity of 500 MW, was put into operation connecting the municipality of Candiota in Rio Grande do Sul and the resort of Punta del Leste in Uruguay.

We are also participating in studies for the development of the Arco Norte project, an initiative that provides for the construction of a transmission line approximately 1,800 kilometers long, passing through Brazil, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana. This interconnection will ensure the transportation of the energy generated by new generation projects in the region and has the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).​