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Environmental Policy 

Eletrobras Companies Environmental Policy aims to guide the treatment of socio-environmental issues associated with our operations. The document reinforces our commitment to respect the environment and with the sustainable development of the country.

Our Environmental Policy highlights the importance of the integration of environmental aspects to internal and decision-taking processes. The Politicy has specific guidelines for biodiversity and climate change and aims to the continuous improvement of our management and performance. Our Environmental Policy has also specific guidelines for dealing with the relocation of affected populations and host communities, education and environmental communication, in addition to the relationship with indigenous communities. Our guideline is to promote ethical and transparent dialogue that supports a qualified engagement and relationship with the communities, including traditional people, recognizing their culture, forms of social organization and the representatives indicated by them.

In 2018, the Environmental Policy v. 4.0 was approved by the Environment Committee of Eletrobras Companies, in March 2019, by the Eletrobras Executive Board, and by the Eletrobras Board of Directors, in June 2019. The principles and guidelines of the Environmental Policy are related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This current version of the Environmental Policy considered the content of ISO 14.001 and sought to align with the provisions of the Global Compact, by encouraging sustainable development and highlighting the preventive approach with regard to environmental issues. And incorporated the Guidelines for the Relationship between Eletrobras Companies and Indigenous Communities.

The Environmental Policy also integrates and is complemented by other policies of the company, especially the Policies of Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Communication and Engagement, Water Resources, Risk Management and Logistics and Supplies.

Eletrobras Companies are responsible for integrating the principles and guidelines of the Environmental Policy into their internal processes, applying them to production operations and business facilities, development and offer of new services, products and projects, selection of suppliers, service providers and contracted people, in the logistic activities and in the waste, effluents and atmospheric emissions management. We shall also ensure that the Environmental Policy is recognized by our business partners and suppliers and that it is applied in the conduct of due diligences, mergers and acquisitions involving our companies.

Eletrobras Companies Environmental Policy


The Environmental Policy for the Brazilian Electric Sector was first established in the II Environment Master Plan of the Electric Sector (II PDMA) - 1991/1993 (I and II), and the reflection about the socio environmental aspects inherent to electricity generation, transmission and distribution activities has been continuously evolving in recent decades.

The change of the institutional model of the sector determined the formulation of an exclusive Environmental Policy for our companies. The first version was approved in 2006 by the Superior Council of the Eletrobras System (Consise).

To meet the requirements of our reorganization and strategic repositioning process, our Environmental Policy was improved within the scope of the Eletrobras Companies Environment Committee (SCMA) in the second half of 2009 and approved in January 2010.

In August 2011, the SCMA decided that there was a need for formulating complementary thematic guidelines to the principles and general guidelines of the policy then in force, expanding its scope to contemplate, through specific guidelines, the main themes and subjects of our daily environmental management practices.

Seven priority themes were identified for which guidelines should be formulated by SCMA technical groups, based on our accumulated knowledge: biodiversity, environmental communication, environmental education, socio-patrimony and environmental management of reservoirs, climate change, interference with indigenous communities and involuntary resettlement of populations affected by electric energy ventures.

Of the seven priority themes, five were completed and presented in the second review of the Environmental Policy, which was approved by our Executive Board on May 16, 2013.

The priority theme resettlement of affected populations was incorporated into the Environmental Policy, resulting in its third revision, which was approved on January 4, 2016 by our Executive Board. The Guidelines for the Relationship between Eletrobras Companies and Indigenous Communities were incorporated into version 4.0 of the Policy, approved in June 2019 by the Board of Directors.

In the fourth policy review, the same premises adopted in the formulation of previous versions were observed:

  • as for the concept, the term "environmental" is used in its broad sense, covering the social, physical and biotic dimensions;

  • as for the application and scope, the policy covers all interactions between corporate activities and the environment, with emphasis on the operational dimension of these activities where the environmental areas of our companies are inserted;

  • regarding the form, the principles and guidelines are expressed through concise statements that address all the issues - values, themes and actions – concerning environment, present in the environmental management practiced by federal public companies that operate in several segments of the electric sector in the country and abroad.

The Environmental Policy is structured in three levels: principles, general guidelines and specific guidelines. The principles and general guidelines synthesize the essence of our commitment to the environment, and the specific guidelines seek to give them an operational dimension adequate to the needs arising from environmental management practices.

