
About Eletrobras

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Eletrobras seeks the continuous engagement of its employee staff, which is tied to a Career and Compensation Plan and to a Performance Management System aligned with the company's expectations regarding competencies and results.

In addition, through its Corporate University, Eletrobras develops employee skills necessary to enable its business strategies.

The internal environment is continuously monitored through organizational climate research, focus group surveys, senior management and continuous assessments.

Our hirings, in recent years, were carried out through public tender. We also offer internship opportunities and carryout the Young Apprentice Program.

Some highlights of Eletrobras' people management:


The Personnel Management Policy for Eletrobras companies

The Personnel Management Policy for Eletrobras Companies recognizes the importance of those who build this organization and whose goal is to be committed to transparency, to the achievement of corporate objectives and to the achievement of a greater good – sustainability of Eletrobras companies, engaged to maintain high standards of safety, reliability and socioenvironmental responsibility.

This document presents principles and guidelines laying the foundation for personnel management at Eletrobras companies, developed from the business strategy. Implementing these guidelines into practice is the responsibility of the Personnel Management areas at Eletrobras companies, as well as of managers and employees.

The Personnel Management Policy for Eletrobras Companies, through its corporate principles, establishes the bases of a dynamic, responsive and ever-changing organization. The guidelines detailed herein, in turn, guide the various aspects of management and leadership, in order to inspire employees and managers how to proceed in a scenario driven by the need for change and continuous improvement.

Through this policy, Eletrobras companies – which have "Value and Commitment of Personnel" as value and "Excellence in Personnel and Culture of Excellence" as a strategic guideline – reinforce their commitment to the development of a corporate culture aligned with the objectives established in its Strategic Plan.

The Personnel Management Policy for Eletrobras Companies is available here .


The Managerial Selection and Appointment Policy in Eletrobras companies

The Managerial Selection and Appointment Policy in Eletrobras companies is an important instrument focused on meritocracy and career of employees, contributing to a corporate performance in the energy market in an integrated, profitable, and sustainable manner.

This document is aligned with Eletrobras' purpose of focusing all its energy into the development of society and its vision associated with innovation, excellence, and sustainability. Furthermore, the principles here presented are in tune with the company's values regarding respect for people and life, ethics, transparency, excellence, collaboration, and recognition.

The people management guidelines of the Business and Management Master Plan - PDNG 2020-24 provide important inputs for this policy, considering the commitment to organizational culture of high performance, excellence in people management and management associated to discipline of execution, agility, and optimization of resources.

The Articles of Incorporation of Eletrobras, regarding the powers of the Executive Board make clear their role in approving the names indicated by the directors to fill the positions directly subordinated to them, which makes this policy adhere to usual practices of the corporate environment.

The improvement of processes related to the managerial selection and appointment is associated with the principles that integrate the Code of Ethical Conduct and Integrity, especially in the commitments of Eletrobras companies in the exercise of good corporate governance practices.

Regarding the commitment of Eletrobras companies with their employees, it is noteworthy that the Code establishes the provision of conditions for improving their competencies, offering opportunities for function progression and ensuring equal opportunities.

The embracement of this policy also considers the observance of the policy of consequence, management of conflict of interest and anti-corruption, besides being aligned with the Cultural Transformation Project.

Another important reference is the People Management Policy, guiding the foundations of a dynamic, agile, and changing organization. In this context, the managerial selection and appointment connects to other instruments of career management in Eletrobras companies, such as the Career and Compensation Plan - PCR, System of Performance Management - SGD and Functions Plan.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that this policy is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals – ODS "Decent Work and Economic Growth," whose guideline lies in fostering the culture of results, by the search for high performance, greater qualification of the staff, appreciation of diversity and gender equality in the workplace.

The Managerial Selection and Appointment Policy in Eletrobras is available here .


Employee Profile

Eletrobras ended 2022 with 10,020 employees. For more information, please refer to page 91 of our Annual Report 2022.

Internal Contracts

After joining Eletrobras, employees can boost their career through opportunities and new challenges in management and advisory positions. The zeal for the career of employees is present in the Policy of People Management and Policy of Selection and Management Appointment.

In the table below, we present some information about internal contracts:


Total number of new employee hires145728863
Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates (internal hires)100%100%100%100%


Career & and Compensation Plan of the Eletrobras System – PCR

Corporate environment dynamics have led Organization to seek people management systems that exceed the limits of traditional position descriptions, the effectiveness of which has been hindered by major changes and restructuring Organizations are undergoing in order to adapt to the new scenario.

Given that context, the Career and Compensation Plan used as the basis the concept of competencies as the main reference for people management. The Career and Compensation Model under this approach has the purpose of aligning people management policies and practices with Corporate strategic guidance in order to improve organizational performance.

The Conceptual Basis for People Management by Competencies assumes that competencies will be identified according to the Organization's needs and will be clearly communicated to all employees, aligning interests and involving all People Management processes.

It was observed that the assessment of competence-oriented People Management (the competence of people) should be aligned with identifying organizational competencies to ensure that strategy actions effectively foster the alignment of people competencies. The model attains its plenitude when competencies required of people are based on organizational competencies and those reflect the Organization's strategy.

The purpose of the Career and Compensation Plan is to ensure equity and equality of treatment, regardless of gender, race, color, creed, deficiency, marital status, sexual orientation, family status, age or any other condition.

Career & and Compensation Plan of the Eletrobras System – PCR is available here.


Performance Management System Eletrobras System – SGD

The current scenario of the labor market demands new paradigms for the People Management, it requires a more versatile professional profile, one that can keep up with the constant changes, to work in teams, to express him/herself clearly, to solve problems in a substantiated manner and to achieve results, among other skills.

In this context, the Electric Sector must try to obtain a competitive profile and, thus, qualify and develop the potential of their employees, fostering their commitment towards the desired results.

In order to strengthen the ELETROBRAS SYSTEM and, according to governmental guidelines for the unification of the group, there is a need to standardize policies and practices of the People Management, established by the Positions and Remuneration Plan with a focus on competencies and results.

The model presupposes the development of the Performance Management System - SGD, integrated with the other procedures of Personnel Management, such as remuneration, career, internal selection, training and development.

SGD is a mechanism that will enable the organizations of the ELETROBRAS System to develop and strategically manage their employees, channeling their efforts towards the achievement of goals and results to ensure profitability, sustainability, competitiveness and value.

SGD is a process of planning, monitoring, evaluation of goals and skills and the creation of an individual development plan, which compares the performance achieved with the expected results.

Performance Management System Eletrobras System – SGD is available here


Remote Work Guidelines

Flexible working hours:

Eletrobras, from the beginning of the pandemic to the present day, started to live with face-to-face work and remote work, which makes the workers' routine more flexible. Concerning face-to-face work, part of the daily shift is variable (early morning and late afternoon), and part of the shift is considered core time (from 9 am to 4 pm), in which the entirety of employees, from the face-to-face regime, must be on company premises. The flexibility of entry and exit times allows employees to have a better quality of life, given the possibility of modulating schedules with less flow of use of public transport.

Working-from-home options:

Eletrobras has an approved remote work standard, but the application of remote work from 2020 to 2022 was associated with facing the pandemic. Currently, part of the employees is in on-site work, part in remote work, and another in the hybrid regime. The standard also includes the Remote Work Guide with topics on people management (career, development, guidelines for interns and young apprentices, occupational health, safety, and quality of life), Information technology (Cloud portals, intranet, virtual offices, corporate folders, computer tools, videoconferencing platforms, digital signatures, business intelligence tools, remote access to SAP, among others), information security and shared services (computers, mobile assets). As a result, many professionals could carry out their work activities remotely without compromising corporate results.

Part-time working options

The part-time work regime is not open to all employees. However, some professions, such as occupational physicians, have a different working day than others.




Educational assistance

For the reimbursement of school expenses with employees end employee legal dependents.

Health and quality of life

Health insurance

Partial coverage of medical, hospital, dental and drug expenses, under medical prescription, of all employees and their indicated legal dependents.

Periodic Medical Examination

Set of medical examinations, with annual periodicity, in a check-up specialized clinic, with no cost to the employee, enabling the monitoring of their health conditions, early detection and prevention of diseases, in addition to improving their quality of life.

Psychopedagogical assistance

Reimbursement of specialized pedagogical education expenses, including tuition, tuition, material fee, transportation and uniform, as well as treatment of speech therapy, psychology and physiotherapy for employees and /or dependents with special needs. It also provides for participation in extracurricular activities, such as gymnastics, computer science and swimming.


Partial reimbursement of expenses provided by a caregiver trained by an entity designated by our company, having as beneficiaries employees and respective dependents who require care in the exercise of their basic daily activities and physiological needs, such as: food, maintenance of personal hygiene, and that require follow-up at home, in consultations and medical-hospital care and other daily activities,  excluding techniques, procedures and attributions relevant to the areas of nursing, physiotherapy, medicine and general services assistants.

Health and quality of life campaigns

Online newsletters, lectures, disclosures on the intranet and Eletrobras TV, with the objective of contributing to the search for disease prevention and the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. Among the main campaigns are: Influenza Vaccination, World Tobacco Control Day, Blood Donation, Food Reeducation, Smoking Care, Pink October, Blue November, The Prevention of Hypertension and Combating Aedes aegypti.

Medical care

During work hours, we provide emergency care in our outpatient clinics and emergency room.

Occupational safety and occupational health

Activities related to employee safety:

  • EEC - Electrobras Ergonomics Committee

  • SESMT - Specialized Service in Engineering and Occupational Medicine

  • CIPA - Internal Commission for Accident Prevention

  • GTESG - Technical Group of Occupational Safety Studies of the Eletrobras System (interlocutor group of safety engineering activities and occupational medicine of our companies)

  • M.T.E. Regulatory Standard No. 10 (regulates the electrical risk activities of professionals performing field services - Internal Standard ERH-030)


Important to highlight that field crews are provided with mandatory training as required by Brazilian Regulatory Standards depending on the level of exposure to risk. Our contracts with suppliers contain provisions requiring them to comply with Brazilian Regulatory Standard NR6. In 2021 there were no employee or contractor fatalities as a result of occupational injuries at Eletrobras Group companies. See our fatalities rate by fiscal year:


2018  2019 2020 20212022

Eletrobras has other benefits and actions with employees that add value in a mutual way, such as:

Childcare facilities or contributions

Eletrobras has day care assistance, babysitting assistance and educational assistance for its employees, which significantly contributes to the quality of life and organizational climate. Values and rules are defined in internal rules and collective bargaining agréments.

Breastfeeding/lactation facilities or benefits

Eletrobras has a breastfeeding license, which reduces the daily working hours of breastfeeding women by more than two hours during the breastfeeding period. In addition, the nanny assistance allows the support of a specialized professional for the family during this early childhood period. At Eletrobras, there is a breastfeeding room available to lactating women. During the pandemic, pregnant and lactating women had the possibility of remote work.

Paid parental leave for the primary caregiver in excess of the minimum legal requirement.

The maternity leave rule allows for leave before the delivery date, up to 180 days, in which the pregnant and lactating woman is entitled to total remuneration and guaranteed employment.

Paid parental leave for the non-primary caregiver in excess of the minimum legal requirement.

Eletrobras respects the paternity leave legislation, granting 20 days so the father can dedicate himself entirely to his family in the first weeks of the newborn's life, an essential period in the workers' lives.

Paid family or care leave beyond parental leave

Eletrobras practices and recognizes the personal leave for family monitoring from the event date to accompany a spouse, partner, ascendant, or descendent of the first degree and dependent on the Health Plan, who needs hospitalization due to illness, surgery, home recovery, and/or emergencies. The possibility of extension of said license is registered upon presentation of the medical report and decision of the occupational health area, limited to 30 (thirty) consecutive days in total.

Organizational Climate Survey

Eletrobras carries out the biennual publication of the Organizational Climate Survey, which involves a very broad survey. The last survey was carried out in 2020 and a new survey is expected in the last quarter of 2022. All 100% of the employees are invited to answer the survey. In the last application, the survey covered 9 companies, 4 dimensions (motivation, people management, management philosophy and work environment), 14 factors (identity, leadership, interpersonal relationship, corporate education, career and compensation, benefits, recognition, organizational clarity, communication, ethics and integrity, institutional image, sustainability and human rights, working conditions and occupational safety and health) 83 assertions regarding the factors on screen. The favorability index of 77.96% exceeded the target of 73.13% established in the company's Strategic Planning for the same period.

The consolidated Favorability Rating (FR) across Eletrobras Group companies was 77.96%, compared to 74.18% in the previous (2018) survey. The 2020 the FR exceeded the target in our Business Performance Goals Contract (CMDE).

Based on the 2020 survey results, in 2021 improvement proposals were made in all companies regarding those themes that did not meet the CMDE target. These action plans impacted the leadership and training program, among other projects underway.

In the years 2021 and 2022, the approval and developments resulting from the enactment of Law No. 14,182/2021 took place, which addresses the privatization of Eletrobras in the form of capital increase, through the public subscription of common shares with the waiver of the subscription right by the Federal Government, and the consequent granting of new electricity generation concessions for a period of 30 (thirty) years, counted from the date of signature of new concession contracts. Eletrobras is no longer a mixed-capital company controlled by the Federal Government and becomes a private company. In this context, the company decided to postpone the application of the Climate Survey to the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, which is why we repeat in the table the values of recent years.

The model uses a scale of 1 to 10 points, on which the employee can answer 1 as the maximum disagreement with the climate assertive (question) or 10 as the maximum agreement. Regarding the favorability class, the result between 85 and 100 of the index shows a chart with high engagement, between 70 and 85 as medium engagement, between 55 and 70 as low engagement and below 55 as critical. The results per company in the portfolio and consolidated economic group bring important subsidies for corporate actions. In 2020, age of the last survey, the result was 77.96% (exceeded the target of 73.13%), which sets the favorable media class.

Organizational Climate Survey is available here.


People Management and Strategic Planning

People management is key to the execution of long-term strategic planning, since employee performance enhances corporate results.

Eletrobras Strategic Plan 2020-2035 is available here.