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Solidary Selective Waste Collection​

The Solidary Selective Waste Collection Program consists of the donation of recyclable waste to cooperatives or associations of collectors, as determined by Federal Decree no 5,940/2006.

This program aims at generating income and social inclusion of recyclable waste collectors, as well as strengthening the global debate on sustainable development, reduction of waste disposal in landfills and dumps and minimization of environmental impacts.

We have a Solidary Selective Waste Collection Commission on a permanent basis which is formed by volunteer employees of several areas of the company to better disseminate the program in all organizational units.

According to the adopted methodology, each employee is responsible for the separation of the recyclable material in the individual collectors (in each workstation) and in the collective collectors (in strategic places, like snack rooms and next to the photocopiers). In this way, participation and awareness about the collection of recyclable materials are stimulated based on the waste that the employees themselves produce.

In compliance with the provisions of Federal Decree no 5,940/2006, we send a report evaluating the results of the program to the Interministerial Committee for Social Inclusion of Recyclable Material Collectors every six months, both at the internal level (separation of waste at source) and in relation to the effects on the cooperative partner.

In addition to the actions to comply with the Decree, we also encourage conscious use in line with the waste management policy, based on the principles of 3Rs – REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE – in line with the Environmental Agenda in the Public Administration of the Ministry of Environment (A3P).

Initially, the Solidary Selective Waste Collection Commission chose to prioritize actions related to the separation of recyclable materials (RECYCLE). Currently, actions are focused on carrying out campaigns aimed at reducing the use of office supplies and snack room materials, with a focus on reducing the use of disposable plastic cups and paper.