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Communication and Social Interaction Plan


The Communication and Social Interaction Plan – The CSIP for the Madeira River Inventory Studies is a pioneering initiative by Eletrobras and its partner, Empresa Nacional De Electricidad – ENDE. The Plan aims to establish transparent communication and develop actions that enable the dialogue with communities in the study area. In the work scope, we seek to provide information about the Inventory Studies to society, not only regarding the activities being developed, but also their results.

In May 2018, the Binational Inventory Study Information Center was established in the city of Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia State. Communication channels were made available through different means: leaflets, website, e-mail, WhatsApp, direct telephone number and “Contact Us” boxes, which receive written statements in several cities in the study area. Communication campaigns are also carried out, in which communication agents travel through several cities to talk to communities and visit local institutions. On the Brazilian side, the CSIP also broadcasts information about the studies on local radio stations.

The CSIP was responsible for training all the teams that carried out field surveys in order to guide them in terms of standards and conduct, ensuring the proper relationship with the population. The CSIP was also responsible for informing the communities about the circulation of professionals, obtaining previous authorizations to access places that would be visited by engineering and environmental study teams. This information is presented in the first leaflet, available in Portuguese and Spanish. 


Social Dialogue

The CSIP for the Madeira River Inventory Studies is a pioneer in establishing a channel to promote social dialogue in this first stage of studies developed by the electric sector.

The Studies Information Center received 15 visits from Brazil and 6 from Bolivia. Communication agents conduct field campaigns, meetings with communities and opinion polls.


Communication channel: “Contact Us” boxes

The suggestion boxes were an innovation in the CSIP of the Madeira River Inventory Studies. Installed at strategic points in several locations in the study area, they are an easy and convenient way for the community to voice its opinions.

Until the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic, the written messages deposited were collected every month and the replies were sent according to the following criterion: if the person opts to provide his/her contact information, the answer is sent through the chosen channel. If the option is for an anonymous message, the answers are posted near the box where the questions were collected.

In Brazil, 36 boxes were installed starting in August 2018. In 2018, 148 messages were collected; 85 in 2019 and 25 until March 2020.

In Bolivia, 27 boxes were installed in May 2019. 306 messages were collected that year and 21 until February 2020.

The map shows the distribution of the boxes in the study area, which are made available in places with higher circulation of people.

PCS_Urnas-BR_BOL_a1 em inglês.png

PCS_Urnas-BR_BOL_a1 em inglês.png                                                                             click on the map to see bigger


Communication channel: WhatsApp

In Brazil, seven messages were received in 2018, 27 in 2019 and three in 2020.

In Bolivia, 12 messages were received in 2019 and five in 2020.


Communication channel: telephone

In Brazil, six calls were received in 2018, five in 2019 and two in 2020.


Communication channel: e-mail

This channel was used by four people.


Web site

The Inventory Studies website was published on 04/24/2019 and has been updated regularly.



Radio Broadcast of news and reports in Brazil

Information about the studies was publicized on Brazilian radio.


All messages / contacts received are georeferenced. Thus, there is a mechanism that allows the CSIP to clarify the main questions of the communities visited during field campaigns.

All activities are monitored by performance indicators.

DEGREE OF DISSEMINATION Quantity of printed material / delivery places
DEGREE OF PARTICIPATION Total number of messages / contacts ("Contact us" boxes, WhatsApp, Telephone, e-mail, visits to the Studies Information Center, website) / locality of origin
Total number of messages / contacts ("Contact us" boxes, WhatsApp, Telephone, e-mail, visits to the Studies Information Center, website) / municipality
Number of replies / Number of messages ("Contact us" boxes)
RESPONSE TIME Percentage of questions and messages answered within 30 days
SPECIAL UNPREDICTABLE SITUATIONS Emergence / registration and qualification