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Human Rights

The Guiding Principles about Companies and Human Rights of the United Nations - UN establish the duty of the States to protect the Human Rights, the responsibility of the companies to respect the Human Rights, and the necessity of providing access to grievance mechanisms to the victims of eventual Human Rights violations.

In this regard, Eletrobras promotes activities aiming at developing Human Rights actions with its several stakeholders, focusing on its employees, suppliers, partners and communities

To guide our activities, we seek to adopt the tools defined by the UN Guiding Principles:

Political Commitment

In 2018, Human Rights Thematic Guidelines were included into the Social Responsibility Policy of the Eletrobras Companies, and in November we signed the Companies for Human Rights Open Letter, proposed by the then Ministry of Human Rights.

Due diligence

In 2019, Eletrobras began to undertake an assessment process to identify Human Rights risks in its suppliers and joint ventures. This assessment marks the beginning of our Human Rights due dilligence process, which will also lead us to the adoption of measures for the control of risks and prevention of adverse impacts and violations, contributing for further monitoring and mitigation of improper practices, as well as accounting and communication regarding how the handling of negative consequences.

Monitoring Mechanisms

In 2018, based on our communication channels (Ombudsman and Contact Us), Eletrobras defined the types of occurrences that should be considered Human Rights violations. This action is aligned to the target "Percentage of treated Human Rights violations complaints" of our Business and Management Master Plan.

Moreover, the following commitments were undertaken by Eletrobras in our Business and Management Master Plan – PDNG:

  • Seven indicators and targets related to Human Rights:
PDNG Indicators
2019 2020 2021
2022 2023
Employees trained in Human Rights
100% by 2021
100% 100%
Level 1 Suppliers trained in Human Rights

100% by 2021


Level 1 Suppliers stimulated to adopt practices of valuing and promoting diversity

80% 90% 100% 100%
Human Rights Due Diligence of critical suppliers

               100% by 2021
100% 100%
Human Rights Due Diligence of joint ventures

100% by 2022​ ​

Percentage of complaints about the violation of treated HR

100% by 2020​ ​

100% 100%
Percentage of management positions held by women
= percentage of female employees in the company​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs of the UN’s 2030 Agenda, whose targets are directly related to the Human Rights. The company has prioritized 5 SDGs as priority, among them the SDG 7 - Clean and Accessible Energy, directly related to the business. Access to energy is a basic input for human dignity and socioeconomic development.

Eletrobras also undertakes activities, programs and projects that develop Human Rights practices with its stakeholders:

Eletrobras Companies' Human Rights Action Plan

Currently under construction as an offshoot to the "Human Rights in the Organizational Management and Culture of Eletrobras" training run by Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV in 2018, involving representatives of the areas of Social Responsibility and Sustainability of all Eletrobras companies, in addition to representatives of the areas of Environment, Ombudsman, Human Rights, Suppliers and Risks of the holding.

Human Rights Issues in the Organizational Climate Survey at Eletrobras Companies

In the Climate Survey held in 2018, issues related to Human Rights were included, such as: gender and race equity, health, work conditions and safety, moral and sexual harassment, complaint channels, among others.

Gender, Race and Diversity Committee 

The search for gender and race equity and diversity aims at providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, color, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, social origin, physical or mental capacity. It is one of our commitments with the respect of the Human Rights and non-discrimination.

Solidary Waste Sorting Program 

Environmentally proper waste destination, with socioeconomic inclusion of recyclables collectors.

Eletrobras Volunteering Program

Stimulate the exercise of citizenship of the company's employees and engagement with our stakeholders.

Social Projects   

Investment in projects that aim at the capacitation and improvement of the life quality of vulnerable groups. In 2019, the Eletrobras companies will launch the first edition of their Social Projects Public Bidding, which will invest in Educational projects. The Centros Comunitários de Produção [Production Community Centers] - CCP also stand out as projects to foster the productive use of electrical power.

Vulnerable groups

The Eletrobras Companies' Social Responsibility Policy highlights that, when promoting engagement and qualified relationship with their stakeholders, the companies must give particular attention to vulnerable groups directly or indirectly affected by their activities, and whose manifestations are guaranteed to be answered by means of clear processes and pre-established deadlines, especially concerning the groups below:

  • traditional communities;

  • indigenous peoples;

  • children and adolescents;

  • black population; and

  • women.

Na Mão Certa (On the Right Track) Program

The respect for and protection of Human Rights are part of the Eletrobras companies' strategy.

The United Nations (UN) recognizes sexual exploitation of children and adolescents as one of the worse kinds of child labour and a Human Rights violations. Sharing this vision, companies must adopt commitments and undertake preventive actions and impact assessment concerning potential victims of sexual exploitation in their own operations as well as stakeholders activities.

In order to ratify their commitments, in 2010, the Eletrobras companies signed the Declaration of Corporate Commitment do Tackle Sexual Violence Againt Children and Adolescents. Therefore, the Eletrobras companies incoporated this issue into their scope of work, and promote effective action to tackle child labour.

Aiming at enhancing the Human Rights debate, in July 2020, the Eletrobras companies joined the Na Mão Certa (On the Right Track) Program, a Childhood Brasil initiative promoting joint efforts to end sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in several links of their value chain. The Program is aligned to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the Eletrobras are committed to.

Six Eletrobras companies (the holding, Amazonas GT, CGT Eletrosul, Chesf, Eletronorte and Eletronuclear) and the R&D center Cepel joined the Na Mão Certa Program in 2020, and are implementing the agreed action plan for 2021. Two other Eletrobras companies had already joined the Programa before: Itaipu in 2007 and Furnas in 2009.

Therefore, since 2020, all Eletrobras companies have joined efforts to tackle child labour teaming up with a partner with widely recognized results. The Programa supplies educational contents and support to actions underway at the Eletrobras companies, allowing collective action and scaling up results through their capillarity accross the national territory.

Also in 2020, teams ahead of those issues at the Eletrobras companies took part in a educational workshop led by the Na Mão Certa Program coordination, filled up the set of indicators that identifies each company's current status regarding the topic and points out ways to structure actions to be developed. Theses works led to the creation of an integrated action plan that is being implemented in 2021.