Eletrobras Companies Environment Committee is the space for discussing practices and guidelines for social and environmental issues. Leaded by managers of the environment areas of our companies, which meet at least three times a year, it consists of several technical working groups and two task forces.
The history of the Environment Committee began in 1988, when the Coordinating Committee for Environmental Activities of the Electric Sector (Comase) was created as part of a set of measures to expand our institutional action in the environment area, bringing together technical representatives of around 23 sectorial companies. In 2003 it was replaced by the Environment Committee of the Eletrobras System (Comage), subordinated to the Superior Council of the Eletrobras System (Consise). Due to the restructuring of Consise, in 2005, the Comage was succeeded by the Environment Subcommittee (SCMA), subordinated to the Operation, Planning, Engineering and Environment Committee (Copem). Subsequently, the SCMA had its name changed to Eletrobras Companies Environment Committee (CMA) in order to adequate to the companies' new organizational structures.
Recent Activities of CMA Working Groups
The Environmental Policy group is involved in the task of internalizing the content for companies employees.
The working group of Environmental Legislation and Regulatory Frameworks follows the topics of interest for Eletrobras Companies that are in progress in the National Congress. The current focus is on monitoring the Draft Laws that interfere in the companies' businesses and that propose to change the environmental licensing process, as they will directly impact the new projects of the companies.
The Climate Strategy group is the technical discussion forum dedicated to issues related to climate change. The group acts in obtaining and monitoring emissions data, in proposing indicators and action plans to meet targets and in the development of studies and works that contribute to climate change management in Eletrobras Companies. Among its activities, it is worth highlighting the elaboration of the Inventory of Greenhouse Gases Emissions of Eletrobras Companies and studies focusing on carbon pricing, carbon footprint and adaptation to climate change.
The Aquatic Resources and Biodiversity group is responsible for promoting and developing studies related to themes that aim to meet the companies demands and contribute to the management of biodiversity within Eletrobras. The group's role in elaboration and updating the environmental policy's biodiversity guidelines, proposing biodiversity indicators and targets, and carrying out. Among others, studies such as "Assessment of Risks and Opportunities related to Biodiversity and Valuation of Priority Ecosystem Services for Eletrobras Companies", "Proposal of Guidelines for the Implementation of Fish Tank-Nets in Hydroelectric Reservoirs", "Diagnosis of Fish Rescue in Eletrobras Companies' Reservoirs" stands out. The group is also responsible for following discussions in external forums dealing with biodiversity.
The Environmental Education working group has been promoting internal dialogues aiming at expanding the discussion on the Normative Instruction 02/2012 of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - IBAMA regarding the implementation of Environmental Education Programs in the environmental management process, mainly of Eletrobras Companies ventures in operation.
The group of Environmental Management Instruments follows the debate on sustainability reports (GRI, ISE B3 and DJSI) and proposes the review of the variables protocols of the System of Indicators for Corporate Sustainability Management (IGS System) - Environmental Dimension. The WG proposes improvements to the IGS 2.0 System and monitors the activities under development in the Sustainability 4.0 Program. In 2022, WG7 organized a webinar for the internal public on the "Environmental Management System (EMS), with emphasis on the 14,001 certification", in which companies inside and outside Eletrobras group took part, in order to exchange experiences on the implementation of EMS. In 2023, another webinar for the internal public was organized by the WG, on "Circular Economy: challenges and opportunities for incorporating the life cycle in the electricity sector", with the participation of panelists' representatives external to Eletrobras group. Waste TF constantly updates the protocols of indicators and variables of IGS System, in addition to following the analysis of data statistical evolution, a work being carried out by Cepel. In 2022, in addition to updating the protocols, the Waste TF also carried out a broad discussion that culminated in the creation of new indicadors that will allow for more adequate detailing of hazardous and non-hazardous waste data for reporting activities, also contributing to the waste management as a whole. Additionally, an indicator was created to monitor a specific material (mineral oil destined for re-refining), so that the management of this specific waste can be improved and targets set for its destination. The Water TF works to update the indicators and variables protocols of the IGS system related to the theme "water", according to the demand identified by the group. In 2022, we continued the work related to analysis of the historical series of water data from the IGS Ambiental together with Cepel, in order to point out opportunities for improvements in water management by the companies. Risk TF discussed the risk events with the companies.
The groups of Reservoir Usage and Edges and Affected Populations follow the discussion on irregular occupations at the edges of reservoirs and transmission lines.
The Affected Populations group discusses the actions related to the social interaction with the affected people, to compensation and mitigation of socioeconomic impacts and the proposal of effectiveness indicators to be applied to socioeconomic compensation programs. The WG also monitors the discussion related to Human Rights and the legislation concerning affected populations, and HR and businesses. In 2022, the WG received researchers from FGVces who presented the "Protocol for monitoring the socioeconomic, cultural and environmental development of resettlements caused by hydroelectric projects".
The group Indigenous Matters acts on business demands involving indigenous issues, promotes the discussion and monitoring of indigenous legislation related to environmental licensing and the regulation of Article 231 of the Federal Constitution and ILO 169. The group has dedicated itself to the debate on implementation of the free, prior and informed consultation advocated by ILO 169, especially in relation to indigenous consultation protocols. The group seeks to maintain a dialogue with companies and institutions that promote debates on issues related to indigenous communities in order to exchange and share experiences.
In March 2021, a task force was created directly linked to the CMA coordination, to structure a process to know and assess the environmental performance (Suppliers Environmental Due Diligence) of our new suppliers, to be implemented in Eletrobras Companies, with the objective of positively impact our supply chain. This initiative is part of the "Project "Sustainable Management of Suppliers" - Sustainability 4.0 Program, which is part of our Business and Management Master Plan (PDNG), concretizing a work that was being developed in previous years to raise awareness of suppliers on environmental issues. The Suppliers Environmental Due Diligence, which is part of the ESG Due Diligence, was implemented in September 2021. Since then, after signing a contract with the Company, the suppliers are notified by e-mail to fill out an on-line form at the "Supplier's Portal" with questions about their practices related to climate change, water, biodiversity, waste management and environmental legal requirements, among other subjects. The Task Force is responsible for the information analysis and, alongside with the supplier's governance and management area, the proposal of actions involving the suppliers. The reports issued quarterly have served as a basis for identifying the priority themes to be worked on by different means, for example: publishing news on the Supplier´s Portal, sending e-mails and planning presentations. In addition, suppliers whose answers are classified as sensitive according to the analysis methodology adopted are immediately reported to the supplier's governance and management area, for closer monitoring. The Environmental Due Diligence is a process in continuous improvement, which has allowed, since its implementation, a more targeted action of Eletrobras companies in their supply chain with regard to environmental issues.
The Environmental Communication group is currently dedicated to the Environmental Policy dissemination in all Eletrobras Companies and to the external public. In 2020, digital campaigns were developed aimed at the internal and external publics, which were disclosed on Eletrobras Companies social media. In 2021, the WG developed, in partnership with the holding's Communication area, the webseries on Environmental Policy – "Ambiente-se", which can be accessed through this link. The WG is developing a distance education action about the Environmental Policy for the employees of Eletrobras companies.