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We promote the efficient use of electricity, helping to prevent waste and reduce sector costs and investments through the National Electrical Energy Conservation Program (Procel), created in 1985 by the federal government and implemented by our company.

Procel's actions are aimed at increasing the efficiency of goods and services, disseminating knowledge about the efficient use of energy for the adoption of more conscious consumption habits. Thus, the program contributes to delay new investments in the electricity sector, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate environmental impacts, contributing to a more sustainable world.

Learn more about Procel at Procel Info Portal: www.procelinfo.com.br

Procel Results

In 2018 alone, Procel achieved savings of approximately 23 billion kilowatt hours (kWh). All this energy corresponds to:


See more Procel results  here.

Procel Governance


Law No. 13,280/2016 - Amends the Law No. 9,991, of July 24, 2000, to regulate the application of funds for energy efficiency programs.

("Art. 5-A.) § 1 The annual transfer of resources to Procel and their use are subject to:
I - presentation, by the Conservation of Electrical Energy Coordinating Group (GCCE), of the plan of application of the resources referred to in item "b" of item I of art. 5 of this Law;

 II - approval of the funds application plan by the Energy Efficiency Management Committee referred to in art. 6-A of this Law, within 60 (sixty) days of its presentation by the GCCE;

 III - presentation by the GCCE of the accountability of resources used in the previous period;

 IV - approval of the accounts statement referred to in item III of this paragraph by the Energy Efficiency Management Committee referred to in art. 6-A of this Law, within 60 (sixty) days of its presentation by the GCCE.

Resource Application Plan

In accordance with Law No. 13,280/2016, Art. 5-A, § 2, The investment plan and the accounts statement provided for in Paragraph 1 shall be presented annually at a public hearing to be held by Aneel, in order to ensure the transparency of the process and the participation of members of society .

First Procel PAR (2017)

Procel 2017 Resource Application Plan (PAR/2017) was approved by CGEE on March 29, 2017, during the 3rd Meeting of the Energy Efficiency Management Committee, in the amount of BRL 107,767,000.00, valid for 12 months, with these resources being allocated under specific headings. At the completion of its term, BRL 71,244,054.72 was employed and the corresponding Accountability, presented by the GCCE, was approved by the CGEE on June 9, 2018, through Decision No. 16/2018/SPE.

Click  here to access Procel PAR 2017.

First Procel PAR (2018/2019)

Procel's second Plan of Resources Application (2018/2019) was approved by the CGEE at meetings held on December 11 and 17, 2018, and the decision was published through MME Decision No. 20/2018/SPE. For this plan, total investments around BRL 190 million are expected.

Click  here to access the second Procel PAR (2018/2019).


Click  here to access Procel 2017 Resource Application Plan Accountability.  


The table below shows the summary of Procel Account movement in the PAR/2017:

B - Payment (historical value + fines + interest) BRL 111,774,990.17
C - Net income from financial investments BRL 7,529,359.71
E - Commitments made + Disbursements + Fees BRL 63,129,295.01
F - Reimbursement to Eletrobras of PAR/2017 expenses paid with own resources (Personnel Costs + Executive Secretariat) BRL 7,047,775.36
G - Payment to Eletrobras of Procel Account Administration Fees BRL 1,067,000.00
H - Remaining Balance Return PAR/2017 BRL 48,060,279.52

Procel's Occupation Areas

Procel promotes energy efficiency actions in numerous segments, which help the country to save electricity and generate benefits for the whole society. Find out more about these actions:

Public Lighting (Reluz)

Support to municipalities in the planning and implementation of equipment replacement projects and improvements in public lighting and signaling.


Promotion of the efficient use of energy in the construction, management and operation sectors in residential, commercial, service and public buildings, by means regulatory support and the development of energy efficiency criteria for buildings, with emphasis on the Procel Buildings Seal, in addition to the encouragement of research, training of professionals, promotion of new technologies and dissemination of good practices.
Learn more about building energy efficiency

Learn more about the Procel Buildings Seal

Public Lighting (Reluz)

Support to municipalities in the planning and implementation of equipment replacement projects and improvements in public lighting and signaling.

Learn more about it

Call for Proposals - Procel Reluz 2019

Check out the information about the 2019 edition of Call for Proposals of Procel Reluz, which is aims at promoting the implementation of energy efficiency projects with LED street lighting:

Call for Proposals Procel Reluz 2019 - LED Street Lighting



The Procel Energy Saving Seal identifies the most efficient equipment and appliances. In addition to guiding consumers at the moment of purchase, the Procel Seal drives the development and technological improvement of products available in the Brazilian market.

Get to know the equipment and appliances that have the Procel Seal and the criteria for its assignment

Industry and Commerce

Development of public policies focused on energy efficiency in the industrial sector, performance of energy diagnostics in driving systems, improvement of computational tools for equipment energy assessment, technical training and publication of technical reports and manuals on energy efficiency in industry for micro and small companies.

Learn more about it

Public Authority

Tools, training and assistance in the planning and implementation of projects focused on lower energy consumption in public administration and efficient use of electricity and water in the sanitation sector.

Learn more about energy efficiency for public authorities

For more information, please, email us at  procel.gem@eletrobras.com or  procelsanear@eletrobras.com .

Learn more about the Municipal Energy Information System (Siem), a software that helps public managers to monitor and plan the use of electricity in public lighting and sanitation systems and in public buildings, helping in the reduction of expenses.

Sign up and access Siem


Procel prepares and releases qualified information on energy efficiency, either through educational actions in formal learning or through the dissemination of tips, books, softwares and technical manuals.

Learn more about it

Access the materials produced by Procel at Procel Info Portal: www.procelinfo.com.br


Do you wish to contact Procel?
Send a message to  procel@eletrobras.com or fill in the  Procel Info Portal form .