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"More Light for the Amazon" Program

With the institution of the National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electrical Energy in the Legal Amazon –"More Light for the Amazon" (Mais Luz para a Amazônia - MLA), the Brazilian population residing in remote regions of the Legal Amazon will be benefited from the supply of electricity generated by clean and renewable sources.

Through the program, electricity will reach families and their socioeconomic support units, located in remote regions of the Legal Amazon.

Learn more about this Federal Government Program, operated by Eletrobras:


The universal access to the public electricity service in Brazil was established by Law No. 10,438, of 04/26/2002. Until the beginning of the year 2020, access to electricity had been made available in all urban areas in the country, as well as in rural areas of the states of the South, Southeast, and in most states of the Northeast and Midwest regions, with the rural areas of the states of Bahia, Piauí, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and states of the North region remaining to conclude the public electricity service.

During those years, a portion of the population residing in remote regions of the country was identified, which for economic or environmental reasons would hardly be served by extension of conventional power distribution grid. They are small groups of consumers located in areas of difficult access, far from the existing power distribution grids.

Trying to minimize the difficulties experienced by families living in remote regions of the Legal Amazon, the federal government instituted, through Decree No.10.221, of 02/05/2020, the National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electrical Energy in the Legal Amazon –“More Light for the Amazon”.

The beneficiaries of the program are families of these regions who have not yet had access to the public electricity service or who have electricity generation from a non-renewable source.

The program's electricity services will be carried out through the generation of electric energy from clean and renewable sources and aim at the development of communities, mostly riverside, indigenous and quilombola communities. The arrival of electricity will reduce social and economic vulnerability, strengthening the exercise of citizenship, well-being and dignity for the life of this population.

These communities live mainly from fishing, flour production and the extraction of Brazil nuts and fruits from the Amazon Forest. With the program, they will be able to develop productive activities that can increase family income and, consequently, improve their quality of life.

The MLA program runs until 12/31/2022, with the possibility of an extension until the conclusion of universal access to electricity in the remote regions of the nine states which make up the Legal Amazon.

The financial resources required for the development of the program will come from the agents of the electricity sector, from the Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE), a sectorial fund managed by the Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica - CCEE), and from other sources to be regulated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia -MME), together with other government agencies.

The operational structure of the MLA, its procedures and technical, financial and works prioritization criteria are defined by MME, through the Operation Manual of “More Light for the Amazon” Program, approved by MME Ordinance No. 244, of 06/16/2020. This manual is available on the “More Light for the Amazon” Program webpage maintained by MME.

Eletrobras Role

The “More Light for the Amazon” Program is coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia - MME), operated by Eletrobras (designated through MME Ordinance No. 86, of 03/09/2020), and has as its executing agents the concessionaires, permissionaires and public service providers of electrical energy distribution that operate in the Legal Amazon.

In the role of the operator of the MLA, Eletrobras is responsible for:

  • Performing the technical budget analysis of the works programs proposed by the executing agents, as well as of possible requests for reviewing goals and/or extension of deadlines;

  • Entering into operationalization contracts of the MLA, and their additives, with the respective executing agents; and

  • Managing the execution of these contracts, providing information to subsidize the release of financial resources by the Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica - CCEE) and proving the proper application of these resources.

Analysis and Contracting

In order to formalize a contract, we initially conduct the technical budget analysis of a works program, assisted by the MME, interacting with the executing agent until a condition compatible with the planned resources is reached.

The works program, presented by the executing agent, features the quantification of the number of consumers to be served and the details of the necessary materials, equipment and services, with all the respective costs.

Once the analysis of the works program is completed and authorization has been obtained from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the process is started by Eletrobras, aiming at the formalization of the operationalization contract with the executing agent.

Contract Management

In order to manage the contracts under our responsibility and to monitor the execution of the works programs, we have developed procedures that allow the registration of the data of the works physically completed by the executing agents. These data will support the release of sectorial financial resources and the proof of the execution of the works and the application of resources.

The corroboration of the proper use of resources is done by means of physical inspections and financial supervisions. During physical inspections, our professionals make site visits and check the veracity of the physical information registered by executing agents. Financial supervisions are performed to verify documents, collect data and confirm financial information sent to Eletrobras.

At the end of the contract, the credit closure process is performed, which is based on the comparison between the physical and financial achievements of the contract.

As the operator of the MLA, Eletrobras receives funds from the Administrative Costs Reimbursement Rate, paid by the executing agents, according to Program regulations. In the 2020-2021 period, these funds reached the total sum of BRL 4.0 million and, in the same period, expenses incurred in the operationalization of the Program reached BRL 9.9 million. This accumulated cost amount includes: the structuring of de Program at Eletrobras, which precedes the formalization of the first contracts, with the definition of operational procedures, elaboration of technical manuals and approval of the standard operationalization contract model; carrying out the first technical budget analysis; the formalization and management of the first contracts; and carrying out the first physical inspection. It is worth mentioning that there are also other areas of the company involved with the execution of activities related to the Program, such as the financial, transmission, Information Technology and legal areas.

Results and Targets

In addition to bringing electricity to people located in remote regions of the states of the Legal Amazon who do not yet have access to this fundamental public service, the "More Light for the Amazon" Program  seeks to improve the communities quality of life, through the use of energy as a vector for social and economic development.

The Brazilian Federal Government´s initial goal  for the "More Light for the Amazon" Program is bringing clean and renewable electricity to about 220,000 families in communities that are mostly riverside, indigenous and quilombola.

The first contracts operated by Eletrobras were signed at the beginning of 2021, and at the end of year, the planned investments for the Program reached BRL 459,66 million, of which BRL 413,69 million (90%) refer to the resources of the Energetic Development Account (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica - CDE).

Following the Program's regulations, BRL 124,11 million of CDE resources have already been released to the Executing Agents. At the end of 2021, the Executing Agents had registered with Eletrobras the service of 1,556 consumer units.

Check out the map below with the nine states that make up the Legal Amazon.


Complementary Actions

For the universalization of the electricity service and the integrated and sustainable development of rural communities, we conduct additional actions in contribution to the rural electrification in the country.

Community Production Centers 

In order to encourage the productive use of electricity in rural communities, we have encouraged the creation of Community Production Centers (Centros Comunitários de Produção - CCP), which facilitate the production, processing and marketing of local products.

Learn more about the Production Community Centers 

Technical Tests

In order to assist the rural electrification in the country, we work with the Cepel (Electric Energy Research Center) to carry out tests on solar home systems, including technical tests on efficient refrigerators.

Learn more about Technical Tests

International Technical Cooperation Projects

We support electricity distributors in serving remote regions of the country by means of International Technical Cooperation Projects. From these cooperation projects, studies were developed focusing on the service in remote areas and the use of renewable energy sources, resulting in the support to the implementation of pilot projects and the publication of technical guides and manuals.

Learn more about International Technical Cooperation Projects

More Information

“More Light for the Amazon” Program - Ministry of Mines and Energy

Ministry of Mines and Energy webpage, with information about the program, legislation, publications and more.

Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization

Website of Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica – CCEE), manager of the Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE).

Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency

Website of Aneel (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency), regulatory agency of the Brazilian electricity sector.

Electrical Energy Research Center

Website of Cepel (Electrical Energy Research Center), a research center focused on the areas of generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization of electric energy in Brazil.

​The organizational unit responsible for the management of the program at Eletrobras is the Light for All and More Light for the Amazon Programs Department - PRFL.