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"Light for All" Program

Thanks to the National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electrical Energy – "Light for All" (Luz para Todos - LPT), more than 16 million people now have access to electricity in Brazil.

Electrical energy is fundamental for improving the quality of life and the socioeconomic development of communities. Through the "Light for All", electricity now reaches the portion of the Brazilian population that has not yet had access to this essential public service.


Learn more about this Federal Government Program, operated by Eletrobras:


According to data from the 2000 Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE), there were more than 2 million rural households in Brazil without access to electricity, which represented more than 10 million Brazilians who are not served by this public utility. A further aggravation to this situation of exclusion was the estimate that approximately 90% of these families had incomes below three national minimum wages, mainly living in locations with a low Human Development Index.

Besides the large number of households to be served, the lower population density of the rural areas where they were located would require the installation of a large number of equipment and materials. This would require a greater effort from electricity distribution concessionaires and permissionaires and rural electrification cooperatives, with investments made possible only in the long run and with a significant impact on the tariff to be paid by consumers.

In view of these reasons, the federal government has developed a Rural Electrification Program to intensify the pace of service, anticipating the universalization of the electricity service, and mitigate the tariff impact caused by the necessary works by allocating subsidized and financed resources. Therefore, on 11/11/2003, the National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electrical Energy – “Light for All” was established by Presidential Decree No. 4,873.

Initially, the plan was to serve the households identified by IBGE until the year 2008. However, during the execution of the Program, the involved agents identified a larger number of families without electricity, living in remote areas. This fact led to changes in the Program, with the publication of Decrees 6,442, of 04/25/2008, 7,324, of 10/05/2010, 7,520, of 07/08/2011, 7,656, of 12/23/2011, 8,387, of 12/30/2014 and 9,357 of 04/27/2018, which resulted in the Program being extended until 2022 and in the change of its objectives.

The resources required for the development of the Program come from the federal government as a subsidy through the Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE) and the executing agents through own resources or financing. In the past, the resources also came from the Global Reversal Reserve (Reserva Global de Reversão - RGR) as financing and the involved state governments.

The operational structure of the Program, its procedures and technical, financial and works prioritization criteria are defined by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia - MME), through the Operation Manual of “Light for All” Program, approved by MME Ordinance No. 38 of 03/09/2004. This Manual has been reedited several times, and the current version is available on the “Light for All” Program webpage maintained by MME.

At the end of 2013, the Program celebrated its 10th anniversary and reached the milestone of 15 million people benefited from its actions. In the same year, then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised the achievements of the Program and stated that the Brazilian initiative is an example to be followed by other nations.

Eletrobras Role

The "Light for All" Program is coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, operated by Eletrobras, and has as its executing agents the concessionaires, permissionaires and public service providers of electrical energy distribution and rural electrification cooperatives.

In the role of the operator of the Program, Eletrobras is responsible for:

  • Performing the technical budget analysis of the works programs proposed by the executing agents, as well as possible requests for reviewing goals and/or extension of deadlines;

  • Entering into operationalization contracts, and their additives, with the respective executing agents;

  • Managing the execution of these contracts, providing information to subsidize the release of sectorial financial resources and providing the corroboration of the application of these resources.

Until 04/30/2017, Eletrobras was responsible for the release of financial resources from the sectoral funds, in the role of manager of the Global Reversal Reserve (Reserva Global de Reversão - RGR) and the Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE). At the present moment, this function is under the responsibility of Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica - CCEE), according to Law No. 13,360 of 11/17/2016, which determined the transfer of administrative and financial management of sectoral funds as from 05/01/2017. 


Analysis and Contracting

In order to formalize a contract, we initially conduct the technical budget analysis of a works program, assisted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, interacting with the executing agent until a condition compatible with the planned resources is reached.

The works program, presented by the executing agent, features the quantification of the number of consumers to be served and the details of the necessary materials, equipment and services, with all the respective costs.

Once the analysis of the works program is completed and authorization has been obtained from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the process is started, aiming at the formalization of the operationalization contract with the executing agent.


Contract Management

With the purpose of facilitating the management of contracts signed with Eletrobras and the monitoring of the execution of works programs, we have developed a computational tool for the management of the Program. Executing agents can register in this tool the data on the physically completed works of each of the contracts signed with the company.

The corroboration of the proper use of resources is given by means of physical inspections and financial supervision. During physical inspections, our professionals make site visits and check the accuracy of the physical information registered by executing agents in the system. Financial supervisions are performed to verify documents, collect data and confirm financial information sent to Eletrobras.

At the end of the contract, the credit closure process is performed, which is based on the comparison between the physical and financial achievements of the contract.

As the operator of the Program, Eletrobras receives funds from the Administrative Costs Reimbursement Rate, paid by the executing agents, according to Program regulations. In the 2018-2021 period, these funds reached the total sum of BRL 49.3 million. In the same period, expenses incurred in the operationalization of the Program reached BRL 36.4 million. It is worth mentioning that there are also other areas of the company involved with the execution of activities related to the Program, such as the financial, transmission, Information Technology and legal areas.

Services in Remote Areas

During the execution of the “Light for All" Program, several situations were identified where the locations to be served were distant from the existing power distribution grids, with a difficult access, low population density and environmental conditions that hindered the construction of conventional grids.

These technical and environmental difficulties led to the analysis of other forms of service, such as the use of decentralized generation and renewable energy sources compatible with the local reality, and the construction of small sections of distribution grids (mini-grids), when necessary.

Therefore, by means of Ordinance No. 60, of 02/12/2009, of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and subsequently, of Decree No. 8,493, of 06/15/2015, the conditions were established for service in remote areas within the scope of “Light for All” Program, in addition to the works programs that mainly use conventional distribution grids.

Predicting the use of resources from the Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE), as an economic subsidy, the service to population in remote areas under the Program prioritizes the use of renewable energy sources with the use of decentralized generation systems.

This type of service, in addition to following the Operation Manual of “Light for All” Program, had procedures and criteria defined in the Manual for Assistance to Remote Regions of Isolated Systems, approved by the Ministry of Mines and Energy Ordinance No. 521, of 10/13/2015. This manual has been reissued and its revision 1 have been approved by MME Ordinance No. 321, of 08/14/2017.

With the edition of Decree No. 10,221, on 02/05/2020, the National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electrical Energy in the Legal Amazon –“More Light for the Amazon” was instituted. Thus, the services to remote regions will be carried out within the scope of this new program, which aims to serve the population residing in remote regions in the states of the Legal Amazon, through the electricity generation from clean and renewable sources.

Faced with the challenges of serving remote areas, looking for sustainable solutions, we conducted several studies within the scope of International Technical Cooperation Projects.

Click here for more information

Results and Targets

In addition to bringing electricity to people who do not yet have access to this public utility, which is fundamental for the improvement of communities' quality of life, the "Light for All" Program offers solutions for its use as a driver of social and economic development:

  • It contributes to poverty reduction and increased household income;

  • It facilitates integration with public services and social programs of the federal government;

  • It provides the improvement of water supply, basic sanitation, health and education services, enhancing the social capital of communities;

  • It enables the purchase of household appliances and electrical rural equipment by families;

  • It generates jobs, with the use of local labor and application of national materials and equipment; and

  • It encourages the permanence of the people in the field, with the improvement of the quality of life.

At the end of 2021, the planned investments for the Program reached BRL 29.98 billion, with BRL 21.76 billion (73%) related to sectoral resources (Energetic Development Account and Global Reversal Reserve), from which BRL 17.65 billion has already been released to the Executing Agents.

Since 2004, more than 3.5 million connections to electricity have been carried out under the Program scope, benefiting more than 16 million people in the rural areas of Brazil. These services are the result of the contracts signed by the executing agents with Eletrobras, involving sectorial resources, and the legal instruments signed between these agents and the state governments.

Contracts Operationalized by Eletrobras

Taking into consideration only the contracts operated by Eletrobras, more than 566,000 projects were carried out, distributed in 5,438 Brazilian municipalities, resulting in 3,177,253 services in the Brazilian rural area, as well as the construction of more than 863,000 km of electricity distribution grids in high and low voltage, the implementation of 8.99 million poles, the installation of 1.22 million transformers and the deployment of  7,099 individual photovoltaic systems and 19 collective photovoltaic systems.

We have already analyzed 441 programs technically and have carried out 576 physical inspections of rural distribution grids.

Find out below the detailing of the number of consumers served by the Program, covering only the contracts signed by Eletrobras:


State Consumers served (total) Consumers served (contracts terminated) Consumers served (ongoing contracts) Consumers to be served (ongoing contracts)
Acre 44,322 41,166 3,156 3,807
Alagoas 97,952 97,952 - -
Amazonas 130,727 117,818 12,909 14,967
Amapá 9,685 8,625 1,060 15,944
Bahia 623,689 590,399 33,290 37,284
Ceará 141,717 141,717 - -
Espírito Santo 55,041 55,041 - -
Goiás 48,828 43,115 5,713 3,231
Maranhão 358,004 349,397 8,607 7,717
Minas Gerais 266,135 266,135 - -
Mato Grosso do Sul 43,096 42,469 627 1,463
Mato Grosso 142,506 142,506 - -
Pará 356,462 328,559 27,903 30,682
Paraíba 55,357 55,357 - -
Pernambuco 102,157 102,157 - -
Piauí 151,658 146,270 5,388 7,696
Paraná 72,804 72,804 - -
Rio de Janeiro 22,390 22,390 - -
Rio Grande do Norte 53,353 53,353 - -
Rondônia 63,616 58,047 5,569 11,023
Roraima 14,318 12,775 1,543 6,733
Rio Grande do Sul 84,612 84,612 - -
Santa Catarina 27,877 27,877 - -
Sergipe 53,094 53,094 - -
São Paulo 81,675 81,675 - -
Tocantins 76,178 76,178 - -
Brazil 3,177,253 3,071,488 105,765 140,547

Source: Eletrobras (12/31/2021)


  • Survey based on the information presented by the executing agents, covering only the contracts signed by Eletrobras; and

  • More information about the Program, including contracts that are not operated by Eletrobras, can be obtained from the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Complementary Actions

For the universalization of the electricity service and the integrated and sustainable development of rural communities, we conduct additional actions in contribution to the rural electrification in the country.

International Technical Cooperation Projects

We support electricity distributors in serving remote regions of the country by means of International Technical Cooperation Projects. From these cooperations, studies were developed focusing on the service in remote areas and the use of renewable energy sources, resulting in the support to the implementation of pilot projects and the publication of technical guides and manuals.

Learn more about International Technical Cooperation Projects

Community Production Centers

In order to encourage the productive use of electricity in rural communities, we have encouraged the creation of Community Production Centers (Centros Comunitários de Produção - CCP), which facilitate the production, processing and marketing of local products.

Learn more about the Production Community Centers 

Technical Tests

In order to assist the development of the rural electrification in Brazil, we work with Cepel (Electric Energy Research Center) in order to carry out tests on solar home systems, including technical tests on efficient refrigerators.

Learn more about Technical Tests

More Information

Ministry of Mines and Energy webpage, with information about the program, legislation, publications and more.

Document that presents a report on the operationalization of the Program and registers the historic mark of 3 million consumer units registered at Eletrobras. Published in December 2019 – In Portuguese.

Document prepared by Eletrobras, with information about the program and the results obtained after 10 years. Published in October 2013 – In Portuguese.

Website of Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica – CCEE), manager of the Global Reversion Reserve (Reserva Global de Reversão - RGR) and Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE).

Website of Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – Aneel), regulatory agency of the Brazilian electricity sector.

Website of Cepel (Electric Energy Research Center), a research center focused on the areas of generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization of electric energy in Brazil.

The organizational unit responsible for the management of the program at Eletrobras is the Light for All and More Light for the Amazon Programs Department - PRFL.

• Read also about the “More Light for the Amazon” program - National Program for Universalization of Access and Use of Electrical Energy in the Legal Amazon.