Eletrobras Role
The "Light for All" Program is coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, operated by Eletrobras, and has as its executing agents the concessionaires, permissionaires and public service providers of electrical energy distribution and rural electrification cooperatives.
In the role of the operator of the Program, Eletrobras is responsible for:
Performing the technical budget analysis of the works programs proposed by the executing agents, as well as possible requests for reviewing goals and/or extension of deadlines;
Entering into operationalization contracts, and their additives, with the respective executing agents;
Managing the execution of these contracts, providing information to subsidize the release of sectorial financial resources and providing the corroboration of the application of these resources.
Until 04/30/2017, Eletrobras was responsible for the release of financial resources from the sectoral funds, in the role of manager of the Global Reversal Reserve (Reserva Global de Reversão - RGR) and the Energetic Development Account (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético - CDE). At the present moment, this function is under the responsibility of Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica - CCEE), according to Law No. 13,360 of 11/17/2016, which determined the transfer of administrative and financial management of sectoral funds as from 05/01/2017.
Analysis and Contracting
In order to formalize a contract, we initially conduct the technical budget analysis of a works program, assisted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, interacting with the executing agent until a condition compatible with the planned resources is reached.
The works program, presented by the executing agent, features the quantification of the number of consumers to be served and the details of the necessary materials, equipment and services, with all the respective costs.
Once the analysis of the works program is completed and authorization has been obtained from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the process is started, aiming at the formalization of the operationalization contract with the executing agent.
Contract Management
With the purpose of facilitating the management of contracts signed with Eletrobras and the monitoring of the execution of works programs, we have developed a computational tool for the management of the Program. Executing agents can register in this tool the data on the physically completed works of each of the contracts signed with the company.
The corroboration of the proper use of resources is given by means of physical inspections and financial supervision. During physical inspections, our professionals make site visits and check the accuracy of the physical information registered by executing agents in the system. Financial supervisions are performed to verify documents, collect data and confirm financial information sent to Eletrobras.
At the end of the contract, the credit closure process is performed, which is based on the comparison between the physical and financial achievements of the contract.
As the operator of the Program, Eletrobras receives funds from the Administrative Costs Reimbursement Rate, paid by the executing agents, according to Program regulations. In the 2018-2021 period, these funds reached the total sum of BRL 49.3 million. In the same period, expenses incurred in the operationalization of the Program reached BRL 36.4 million. It is worth mentioning that there are also other areas of the company involved with the execution of activities related to the Program, such as the financial, transmission, Information Technology and legal areas.